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No Digging Zombies (A Harmony Mod)


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No Digging Zombies: A mod for Miners & Bunker Builders.

This mod prevents zombie AI from deliberately digging through terrain.

Note: This does not prevent zombies from digging through any other block! They will still try to rip down the building you're in.

It covers both zombies trying to dig downwards to a heat source, as well as attacking a wall of terrain to dig through it.


You can download the latest version here:



Installation instructions

1. Download `NoZombieDigging-{...}.zip` from https://github.com/tigercat2000/7dtd-NoZombieDigging/releases

2. Extract NoZombieDigging-{...}.zip

3. Take the inner `NoZombieDigging` folder and put it in your 7 Days To Die/Mods folder.

4. [Client Only] Disable EAC to allow the client to load the C# mod. This isn't necessary for dedicated servers.


To confirm the mod loaded, hit F1 on the title screen and look for the following logs near the top:


[NoZombieDigging] Patches applied: 2

[NoZombieDigging] - DigStart

[NoZombieDigging] - CanExecute



Edited by tigercat2000
Forgot an important note (see edit history)
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Thankyou so much for this mod.


I had a question tho.  I play in A21 and the mod seems to load just fine watching it through F1.  However when it came to my first horde night, the zombies dug straight through my dirt wall/tower.  Can someone explain or help with this?

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