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Can Opener and Mouldy Food


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Now I know what your thinking, "Omg, thats copying Dayz!". Well in a way yes but its a good idea. Of course it wont be exactly like Dayz. So instead of what we have now where you can stack up on cans, especially large canned rations. We should have it so you will need a can opener to open it. You can have all these delicious foods in your inventory but if they are canned you cant eat them. Though once you have found a can opener you will be able to open the can and eat whats inside. The can opener obviously will have a duability rate to it so it wont be OP. Also in the description of the canned foods they can add small text that would say "[COLOR="#FF0000"][CLOSED][/COLOR]" for cans that are not opened and "[COLOR="#00FF00"][OPENED][/COLOR]" for cans that are opened. Obviously cans like can of ham and can of salmon you will not need a can opener for because they have tabs on the top that are used to open it by hand. It would also be cool if they added a small animation when you open cans where your connecting the can opener to the can and opening it and it will produce that metal crunching sound. It would be also neat if the image for opened canned foods is the picture of the can but opened, and the model would change to match the picture. All this would make it much more difficult to scavenge for food because you would need a can opener aswell as your canned goods. Now my other idea is to have food mould/go bad over time and you can find mouldy food when your scavenging. Now we already have mouldy bread but what I was thinking is this. When you grow/make food or have food on you that's edible, it will have a certain amount of time where it remains fresh until it goes bad. When it goes bad it will then be called "Mouldy [Insert food name here]". When this happens the food will cause you to gain the same debuff you gain when you eat mouldy bread. Maybe make the debuff worse for meats since they would cause more damage to you. This will make it so you cant have a large storage of food just sitting in your container or your inventory waiting to be eaten. You will have to throw out food and remake more. Though I was also thinking of maybe having you able to store your food in a cooler or fridge and that will save it from becoming moldy. Obviously you would have to craft these things to store your food in. Cans though will not be affected by this unless the can opener is added in aswell as this wich would make opened canned foods go bad. Now I am not sure about drinks but im sure some drinks can go bad though im not %100 on that. That is my two idea and hopefully TFP sees this and considers it, would be great to see in the game :)
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I'll be honest, I really don't like this idea, for now anyway. There's not enough food items in game for this to be a thing that won't inconvenience players far too much. Canned food makes up about 80 percent of all the food items I ever find in game. The last thing I need is to find stacks of canned food and die repeatedly cause I cant open them because I can't find a can opener.
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I totally like the idea! Especially in combination with the Fridge/Cooler idea of increasing the time when foods starts to get mouldy and the fertilizer effect of mouldy food. It would keep the survival pressure on you which I experienced the first 5-7 days. Now at day 21 me and my friend could start a grocery shop with 5-25 cans of each type, than full stacks of cooked eggs, cooked corn, corn bread, blueberry pies etc. and around 30 of each meat type in each version (grilled or cooked except roasted). It makes live in Navazgane feel like a nice holiday at a lake in the woods....with the occasional horde of hooligans running around.
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