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On 7/6/2024 at 6:29 PM, BrendanatorX said:

Hey, just came to mention that the Thunderstruck Ring does not work, description says gives a thunderstrike effect on archery and spear throw, but there's no effect with either weapon type and spear throwing isn't in the game anymore.

I've tested Ring of Thunderstruck and it works for me.
Note that it only works with Archery hits, so melee / turrets shouldn't trigger the effect.
Updated the ring's description so it no longer includes Spear Throw.



On 7/6/2024 at 8:50 PM, BrendanatorX said:

I would also like to add that the Ring of Stamina also does not function. It may sometimes appear to work the moment you put it on but then both in stats and in looking at your stamina, it does not properly increase your stamina regen amount.

I've tested Ring of Stamina and it works for me, both the Stamina increase, and Regen increase:



Also I'm making a note here regarding Ring of Amplification and Ring of Wish - Amplification variant, I may temporarily disable them to find a solution to making them work.

Seems they changed how something works and I'm trying to figure out what that something is.

I got it to somewhat work, but the timer/duration of a consumable buff kept alternating between as if you had the ring equipped and didnt, every update to the timer/duration.
It seems I'm fighting $MetabolismDuration where my buff try's to update that value and the game updates it to a default value based on perkSlowMetabolism:
(progression.xml --> perkSlowMetabolism)

<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfProgressionUpdate" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$MetabolismDuration" operation="set" value="1,.909,.833,.769,.714,.667"/>


On 7/6/2024 at 6:29 PM, BrendanatorX said:

Hey, just came to mention that the Thunderstruck Ring does not work, description says gives a thunderstrike effect on archery and spear throw, but there's no effect with either weapon type and spear throwing isn't in the game anymore.

I've tested Ring of Thunderstruck and it works for me.

Note that it only works with Archery hits, so melee / turrets shouldn't trigger the effect.
Updated the ring's description so it no longer includes Spear Throw.

On 7/6/2024 at 8:50 PM, BrendanatorX said:

I would also like to add that the Ring of Stamina also does not function. It may sometimes appear to work the moment you put it on but then both in stats and in looking at your stamina, it does not properly increase your stamina regen amount.

I've tested Ring of Stamina and it works for me, both the Stamina increase, and Regen increase:

Also I'm making a note here regarding Ring of Amplification and Ring of Wish - Amplification variant, I may temporarily disable them to find a solution to making them work.

Seems they changed how something works and I'm trying to figure out what that something is.

I got it to somewhat work, but the timer/duration of a consumable buff kept alternating between as if you had the ring equipped and didnt, every update to the timer/duration.
It seems I'm fighting $MetabolismDuration where my buff try's to update that value and the game updates it to a default value based on perkSlowMetabolism:
(progression.xml --> perkSlowMetabolism)

<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfProgressionUpdate" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$MetabolismDuration" operation="set" value="1,.909,.833,.769,.714,.667"/>


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