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Mod Request: Some sort of audio indicator each time you get xp, preferably toggleable


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During horde nights, or on T5 (and sometimes T4) POIs, with the number of zombies coming your way, and their animations, I can't always tell if I've killed a zombie or they've just fallen to the ground. If it's just one-on-one, it's easy to notice the xp notification on the bottom right of the screen to see that a zombie is dead, but when it's a constant stream of zombies, where the xp notification doesn't go away, it's hard to tell whether or not a zombie actually died or not.


So, that brings me to my request: a small mod that adds a minimal notification/ding type sound that plays every time you get more xp. It would be ideal if it was something you could turn off/on at will, so you don't get it when looting, harvesting trees, and the million other things that give xp. It would be nice to use solely when you're facing many zombies simultaneously, and to see that you've killed the specific zombie you're aiming for, and it didn't just fall down.


Seems like an easy enough thing to add, except maybe the toggleable part.

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There is a mod that puts the zed hp bar above it's head so you know how much damage you are doing to it. The hp bar goes away when the zed is dead. That might work for what you want. 


I have mixed feelings about an audible sound tied to experience gained. What if your in a situation with multi zeds and your engaged with all of them at once, how would you know which zed is dead and hasn't just fallen down? From my personal experience those types of notifications get rather annoying after a while. 


My Moto for making sure a Zombie is indeed dead: When in doubt bash it again and if still in doubt, bash it one more time. (There's no such thing as bashing a zombie to many times) >:) 

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5 hours ago, Jinx_DG said:

There is a mod that puts the zed hp bar above it's head so you know how much damage you are doing to it. The hp bar goes away when the zed is dead. That might work for what you want. 

I think that would probably work. I'll have to look into something like that. Thanks!


Oh, btw, is there one in particular that you would recommend?

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