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Gamestage as requirement in EntityClasses.xml.

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The xml below always sets the player gameStage in the biome to 50. This seems to be incorrect as from my understanding it should ONLY set it to 50 when the player GS is below 50.


The effect has been tested using PlayerLevel as a requirement and that works just fine. So there must be a problem with my Gamestage requirement code or entityclasses maybe don't have access to the Gamestage class? Just guessing over here. :)


Any help would be very much appreciated.


<!-- from EntityClasses.xml -->

<passive_effect name="gamestage" operation="base_set" value="50">
  <requirement name="InBiome" biome="3"/>
  <!-- using this works fine <requirement name="PlayerLevel" operation="LT" value="50"/> -->
  <requirement class="Gamestage">
    <property name="operation" value="LT" />
    <property name="game_stage" value="50" param1="gamestage" />


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