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Elevator/dumbwaiter mod?


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Hi all, after posting on Steam, someone suggested I come here to post my suggestion/idea, as I have not found it on the mods site I use currently. I would like an elevator in-game, to transport items between floors. I am visualizing something like a platform with a secure storage chest on it, that can be raised via hand-crank. and, when electricity if available, the hand-crank replaced with a button, that will either call the dumbwaiter if the platform is not at that level, or send it off if it is. For a multi-floor setup, I'm picturing that limited to the electric version (for balance) with a keypad and a button. Pressing and holding the interact button would allow labeling the floor with a number. then, all one would have to do is key in the number with the input appearing on an 8-bit display - I think that's the term for an analog-clock-type display? - and the button used to send the dw to that floor, or call it to the current floor if no number is entered. EAC friendly.

So here comes the weird part. Is there a way to commission someone to make this, or do I post this and hope someone with the godlike skills of coding that I sadly do not possess will take interest? If the former, how? If the latter, pretty please?

Finally, given that my other thoughts/ideas elsewhere have generally not been well-received, if your response is going to be derogatory, negative, something along the lines of "you should learn to code instead of asking others to take their time to make something only you would want", etc. Just leave a comment of "not a good idea" and be on your way.

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