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Hi Pimps. I want to take this open forum opportunity to express my personal wishes. I am sure all ~6k members of the CP Discord agree, and I am also pretty sure you're already aware of how we feel by looking at the number of people still playing on previous alphas. Yet, you don't seem to care/need the numbers playing your game, or maybe you don't really know how to do it but....




PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THE BOUNCY PHYSICS ON THE STRIPPER ZOMBIESSSSSS fix the the RWG bug. I have barely played since it broke CP, and this is someone with 3k hrs in the game (not trying to one up anyone here please guys dont start an hours war) and someone who has gifted copies of the games to friends, and would do so again.... but i just don't find it worth it without all those extra POIs. Please please please consider this request seriously. I don't even care about A22. Its great that you are progressing, dont get me wrong, but I'd rather play A21 with CP than the full published game with all road map items ticked off. 

EDIT: due to the seriously toxic nature of the forums here (at least, that was my experience back in the day), I wont be responding to any replies unless they are from Pimp staff. Thank you for your understanding. 



Hi Pimps. I want to take this open forum opportunity to express my personal wishes. I am sure all ~6k members of the CP Discord agree, and I am also pretty sure you're already aware of how we feel by looking at the number of people still playing on previous alphas. Yet, you don't seem to care/need the numbers playing your game, or maybe you don't really know how to do it but....




PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THE BOUNCY PHYSICS ON THE STRIPPER ZOMBIESSSSSS fix the the RWG bug. I have barely played since it broke CP, and this is someone with 3k hrs in the game (not trying to one up anyone here please guys dont start an hours war) and someone who has gifted copies of the games to friends, and would do so again.... but i just don't find it worth it without all those extra POIs. Please please please consider this request seriously. I don't even care about A22. Its great that you are progressing, dont get me wrong, but I'd rather play A21 with CP than the full published game with all road map items ticked off. 

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