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5 hours ago, Crater Creator said:

It’s the survival horde crafting game. Says so right at the top of the page. :tongue:

I think a plurality of all discussion on this site boils down to what kind of game people think this is or should be. Which is fine for a game that, after all, is A) a sandbox and B) in alpha. It’s telling that you didn’t even mention survival, which I personally want to be a priority, while you did list farming and mining, which I consider to be... things you can do, if you want to.


I'm well aware of the tagline to the title of the game. In my opinion, this game is still just as much survival and crafting and horde as it ever has been. It is easy for players to stretch those things out of proportion via min/maxing behavior but the game absolutely does not have to be played that way outside of competitive PvP public servers. Even if someone feels like looting is a requirement during the early game that definitely tapers off as the game goes on and more time can be spent doing other activities so that an entire playthrough taken as a whole is still very much a mix of everything it has always been.


I'm not the type to want to start a petition and start litigation if the final game doesn't exactly deliver survival, crafting, and hordes in equal measure and as the top three main pillars of the game. That's why I didn't mention survival explicitly in my meme. All of those components mentioned are part of and contribute to survival anyway.


My point is that while it says survival horde crafting game, in reality the game is a mix of many activities and some specific activities will dominate in importance at different phases of a playthrough and some specific activities can be ignored while others cannot be ignored but they all contribute to surviving against the horde of zombies.



8 hours ago, Old Crow said:


Not even offer an option - just do it. Or no gear via quest rewards, so crafting is more worth it. Let Rank 6 gear be available through looting high level POIs or something.


I think you'd be surprised at how many people love the OP trader rewards. WE know they kill the crafting game but that's because most users of this forum value crafting as the preferred method of attaining our own gear. They could force the nerf and do some other things to throttle down the significance of questing in this game and there will be a @%$#storm about it from all the people who love A21 and "never asked the pimps to overhaul questing in such an idiotic and unrealistic fashion obviously trying to lengthen the game in a hamfisted artificial manner..."


Seems to me to be a perfect situation for some options so that those who love the current balance and prefer earning rewards and trading for top gear to crafting it themselves can still have what they want. If TFP just makes the change I'll be happy with it but there will be some who will call TFP anti-player or some such nonsense... ;)



4 hours ago, Crater Creator said:

It’s the survival horde crafting game. Says so right at the top of the page. :tongue:

I think a plurality of all discussion on this site boils down to what kind of game people think this is or should be. Which is fine for a game that, after all, is A) a sandbox and B) in alpha. It’s telling that you didn’t even mention survival, which I personally want to be a priority, while you did list farming and mining, which I consider to be... things you can do, if you want to.


I'm well aware of the tagline to the title of the game. In my opinion, this game is still just as much survival and crafting and horde as it ever has been. It is easy for players to stretch those things out of proportion via min/maxing behavior but the game absolutely does not have to be played that way outside of competitive PvP public servers. Even if someone feels like looting is a requirement during the early game that definitely tapers off as the game goes on and more time can be spent doing other activities so that an entire playthrough taken as a whole is still very much a mix of everything it has always been.


I'm not the type to want to start a petition and start litigation if the final game doesn't exactly deliver survival, crafting, and hordes in equal measure and as the top three main pillars of the game. That's why I didn't mention survival explicitly in my meme. All of those components mentioned are part of and contribute to survival anyway.


My point is that while it says survival horde crafting game, in reality the game is a mix of many activities and some specific activities will dominate in importance at different phases of a playthrough and some specific activities can be ignored while others cannot be ignored but they all contribute to surviving against the horde of zombies.



8 hours ago, Old Crow said:


Not even offer an option - just do it. Or no gear via quest rewards, so crafting is more worth it. Let Rank 6 gear be available through looting high level POIs or something.


I think you'd be surprised at how many people love the OP trader rewards. WE know they kill the crafting game but that's because most users of this forum value crafting as the preferred method of attaining our own gear. They could force the nerf and do some other things to throttle down the significance of questing in this game and there will be a @%$#storm about it from all the people who love A21 and "never asked the pimps to overhaul questing in such an idiotic and unrealistic fashion obviously trying to lengthen the game in a hamfisted artificial manner..."


Seems to me to be a perfect situation for some options so that those who love the current balance and prefer earning rewards and trading for top gear to crafting it themselves can still have what they want. If TFP just makes the change I'll be happy with it there will be some who will call TFP anti-player or some such nonsense... ;)

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