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1 hour ago, Guppycur said:


Two quick points.  First, if someone has fun spam crafting what's the harm?


Second, you could introduce a high failure rate that scales down as you get better, so you're wasting materials.


...point is, there are ways to balance it, but nay sayers need to get their heads out of the a16 box.


LBD was implemented poorly, which is why it failed. 


...heck, the devs could learn by doing. ;)

I never said there was anything wrong with people liking to spam craft stuff.  I said that some people like it and some people hate it.  Neither side is more right or wrong than the other.  It is entirely an opinion and therefore cannot be right or wrong.


Making it more annoying by wasting more resources isn't going to make it any more enjoyable for people who hate the process.  The process doesn't change by doing that.  It only makes you waste even more resources than you did previously.  Those who like the process might like that but that doesn't make it more likely to change people's minds about whether or not it is good.


LBD for crafting in every game I have seen has been implemented poorly.  I've yet to see any where it was not a grind.  If you like the grind, that is fine.  But if you don't, you aren't going to like LBD crafting.  It necessarily requires crafting a ton of stuff you have no need for and wasting resources to do so.


LBD is good for skills that you use regularly and not ones that are used for a single purpose occasionally.  Crafting is the latter unless you are playing a game where you are specifically a crafter (and likely merchant) and that is the actual intended role rather than a self-imposed role.  You will generally want to make only what you or your teammates need and unless forced to make other things or more things just to fulfill a LBD to make other things you want, you would have no reason to do so.


Maybe someone can give me a good reason why some people are so focused on LBD for crafting.  In what way does it actually benefit crafting?  I don't mean what makes you personally like it as that is an opinion that anyone can have regardless which side of the issue you are on.  I mean, what tangible benefit does it offer over other options?  Grinding isn't a benefit for a lot of people and can be a negative.  Immersion is iffy at best because you can absolutely learn to craft by reading instructions.  Balancing isn't a reason because that can be done with any system regardless whether or not TFP does a good job at it or not.  Speed at learning seems to be what a lot of people who want it are going for but there isn't any real reason why a game should offer a speed mode.  Games can be enjoyed without a fast track to the end of the game.  I am really curious what real benefit it offers.  And, to be clear, I'm not saying that the current magazine system is great.  I'm saying there are a variety of possible options that do not include LBD for crafting and one of those could be suggested instead of LBD and could get more support.  I personally could get behind another option more easily than LBD.



37 minutes ago, Guppycur said:


Two quick points.  First, if someone has fun spam crafting what's the harm?


Second, you could introduce a high failure rate that scales down as you get better, so you're wasting materials.


...point is, there are ways to balance it, but nay sayers need to get their heads out of the a16 box.


LBD was implemented poorly, which is why it failed. 


...heck, the devs could learn by doing. ;)

I never said there was anything wrong with people liking to spam craft stuff.  I said that some people like it and some people hate it.  Neither side is more right or wrong than the other.  It is entirely an opinion and therefore cannot be right or wrong.


Making it more annoying by wasting more resources isn't going to make it any more enjoyable for people who hate the process.  The process doesn't change by doing that.  It only makes you waste even more resources than you did previously.  Those who like the process might like that but that doesn't make it more likely to change people's minds about whether or not it is good.


LBD for crafting in every game I have seen has been implemented poorly.  I've yet to see any where it was not a grind.  If you like the grind, that is fine.  But if you don't, you aren't going to like LBD crafting.  It necessarily requires crafting a ton of stuff you have no need for and wasting resources to do so.


LBD is good for skills that you use regularly and not ones that are used for a single purpose occasionally.  Crafting is the latter unless you are playing a game where you are specifically a crafter (and likely merchant) and that is the actual intended role rather than a self-imposed role.  You will generally want to make only what you or your teammates need and unless forced to make other things or more things just to fulfill a LBD to make other things you want, you would have no reason to do so.


Maybe someone can give me a good reason why some people are so focused on LBD for crafting.  In what way does it actually benefit crafting?  I don't mean what makes you personally like it as that is an opinion that anyone can have regardless which side of the issue you are on.  I mean, what tangible benefit does it offer over other options?  Grinding isn't a benefit for a lot of people and can be a negative.  Immersion is iffy at best because you can absolutely learn to craft by reading instructions.  Speed at learning seems to be what a lot of people who want it are going for but there isn't any real reason why a game should offer a speed mode.  Games can be enjoyed without a fast track to the end of the game.  I am really curious what real benefit it offers.  And, to be clear, I'm not saying that the current magazine system is great.  I'm saying there are a variety of possible options that do not include LBD for crafting and one of those could be suggested instead of LBD and could get more support.  I personally could get behind another option more easily than LBD.

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