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22 hours ago, Teezer said:

+ No warning when you are getting too far away from quest

There definitely is a warning. Always has been. There's a distance indicator in the quest tracker that goes from green to yellow to red the further away you get. Problem is it wasn't very clear, so in A21 they added a barrier to the world that glows red when you approach it. It's still a little subtle IMO. They could increase the range of when it appears so that the warning comes up sooner.


4 hours ago, Teezer said:

Is it really a thing?

The only thing I know is that they should make a non-resettable timer, which appears clearly, like in Apex or CoD when you are out of map and you need to return to the battlefield

It definitely is. You just wouldn't see it unless you approach the warning barrier without completing the objectives of the quest. I like your idea, though. Have a timer that prompts the player to return within 10-12 seconds or so.


3 hours ago, Winkiss said:

or add a second frame: yellow - warns, red - cancels the quest.

We don't need more colors, honestly. The devs also need to think about players with accessibility issues. For some, adding a second different color will not register because they all look the same. Simply increasing the range of when the warning appears should be sufficient.



22 hours ago, Teezer said:

+ No warning when you are getting too far away from quest

There definitely is a warning. Always has been. There's a distance indicator in the quest tracker that goes from green to yellow to red the further away you get. Problem is it wasn't very clear, so in A21 they added a barrier to the world that glows red when you approach it. It's still a little subtle IMO. They could increase the range of when it appears so that the warning comes up sooner.


4 hours ago, Teezer said:

Is it really a thing?

The only thing I know is that they should make a non-resettable timer, which appears clearly, like in Apex or CoD when you are out of map and you need to return to the battlefield

It definitely is. You just wouldn't see it unless you approach the warning barrier without completing the objectives of the quest. I like your idea, though. Have a time that prompts the player to return within 10-12 seconds or so.


3 hours ago, Winkiss said:

or add a second frame: yellow - warns, red - cancels the quest.

We don't need more colors, honestly. The devs also need to think about players with accessibility issues. For some, adding a second different color will not register because they all look the same. Simply increasing the range of when the warning appears should be sufficient.



22 hours ago, Teezer said:

+ No warning when you are getting too far away from quest

There definitely is a warning. Always has been. There's a distance indicator in the quest tracker that goes from green to yellow to red the further away you get. Problem is it wasn't very clear, so in A21 they added a barrier to the world that glows red when you approach it. It's still a little subtle IMO. They could increase the range of when it appears so that the warning comes up sooner.


4 hours ago, Teezer said:

Is it really a thing?

The only thing I know is that they should make a non-resettable timer, which appears clearly, like in Apex or CoD when you are out of map and you need to return to the battlefield

It definitely is. You just wouldn't see it unless you approach the warning barrier without completing the objectives of the quest. I like you're idea, though. Have a time that prompts the player to return within 10-12 seconds or so.


3 hours ago, Winkiss said:

or add a second frame: yellow - warns, red - cancels the quest.

We don't need more colors, honestly. The devs also need to think about players with accessibility issues. For some, adding a second different color will not register because they all look the same. Simply increasing the range of when the warning appears should be sufficient.

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