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21 minutes ago, meilodasreh said:

My impressions for A21 so far (after three starts in RNG worlds, about 15hours in total, last game moved over to stable, day 19 now)


-Wow, the world looks absolutely awesome, much more vivid, so much love for detail, just great!


-magazine system is fine for me, and seems to work pretty good.

I like the slower progression pace, and there's always that "oh yeah just one more magazine and then I can finally..."


-Overlap of weapon/tool damage is still not good I think, especially between tiers (stone/iron/steel)

Now it happens a lot that your new tool, that you may have spent a good amount of resources on, proves to have just a higher impact on stamina use, but still requires the same amount of hits to destroy a block (because after the "last" hit it still has a very few HP left)

Maybe make mods more effective with higher "tier/grade" stuff, to compensate this a little?


Or make blocks with just a very few HP slowly degrade to 0 by themselves (like it is so much damaged and brittle that it slowly crumbles away totally).

This would spare the player the last hit, he can get over to the next block and just let the block crumble by itself.

And it would also add a task that the player has to look after the condition of his base more closely (and always have to have an amount of the necessary repair materials ready of course)


-new water system with no (empty) jars still does not feel right in my opinion. Too much of a counter-intuitive "workaround", just to address the "problem" that the devs don't like that the players have their storage boxes full of water, whilst totally neglecting common sense.

Yeah right now I live next to a little pond, but cannot collect water from it. So I'm having 6 dew collectors running right next to it, and these are generating glass jars around the collected fluid right out of nothing.

Increasing "cost" of pure water and the main "products" of it (increasing cooking time of water, require more bones to make glue, require more glue to make duct tape,...stuff like that) would have been a better choice if you ask me.


Or just the the player have all the amount of a material he wants, if he's willing to invest into it, would also be an option.

Now I bet the people who had their forges running with hundreds of empty glass jars, today they have a huge "farm" of dew collectors running.

Just different, not better I guess.




Yeah I'm not sold on the water/dew thing either, any survivalist would have a water container... An obvious solution is to not allow water to stack more than 1 (water is heavy IRL), most other survival games you'd have 1 or 2 water containers in your inventory.  Or perhaps allow boiling the buckets of water (that way it's also a bit later game before you'd even get a bucket).



13 minutes ago, meilodasreh said:

My impressions for A21 so far (after three starts in RNG worlds, about 15hours in total, last game moved over to stable, day 19 now)


-Wow, the world looks absolutely awesome, much more vivid, so much love for detail, just great!


-magazine system is fine for me, and seems to work pretty good.

I like the slower progression pace, and there's always that "oh yeah just one more magazine and then I can finally..."


-Overlap of weapon/tool damage is still not good I think, especially between tiers (stone/iron/steel)

Now it happens a lot that your new tool, that you may have spent a good amount of resources on, proves to have just a higher impact on stamina use, but still requires the same amount of hits to destroy a block (because after the "last" hit it still has a very few HP left)

Maybe make mods more effective with higher "tier/grade" stuff, to compensate this a little?


Or make blocks with just a very few HP slowly degrade to 0 by themselves (like it is so much damaged and brittle that it slowly crumbles away totally).

This would spare the player the last hit, he can get over to the next block and just let the block crumble by itself.

And it would also add a task that the player has to look after the condition of his base more closely (and always have to have an amount of the necessary repair materials ready of course)


-new water system with no (empty) jars still does not feel right in my opinion. Too much of a counter-intuitive "workaround", just to address the "problem" that the devs don't like that the players have their storage boxes full of water, whilst totally neglecting common sense.

Yeah right now I live next to a little pond, but cannot collect water from it. So I'm having 6 dew collectors running right next to it, and these are generating glass jars around the collected fluid right out of nothing.

Increasing "cost" of pure water and the main "products" of it (increasing cooking time of water, require more bones to make glue, require more glue to make duct tape,...stuff like that) would have been a better choice if you ask me.


Or just the the player have all the amount of a material he wants, if he's willing to invest into it, would also be an option.

Now I bet the people who had their forges running with hundreds of empty glass jars, today they have a huge "farm" of dew collectors running.

Just different, not better I guess.




Yeah I'm not sold on the water/dew thing either, any survivalist would have a water container... An obvious solution is to not allow water to stack more than 1 (water is heavy IRL), most other survival games you'd have 1 or 2 water containers in your inventory.

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