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9 hours ago, Ryan said:

Sorry for the incredible amounts of questions! one of the final few!
I've changed it so that raiders are friendly and soldiers are hostile yet... I can't remove the pront to 'talk' from the soldiers. And i can't add the prompt to add 'talking' to bandits.
I've figured out how to lower the amount of spawns via the groups file. Changing .1 to .03 making them per town pretty much 'less'.


There are different templates for NPC Core characters. The ones that are usually used are "basic" and "advanced." "Basic" characters can't be hired, and thus have less complicated AI. "Advanced" characters can be hired.


To switch from one to the other, you can choose what template the NPC extends. This is done in the pack's entityclasses.xml file. For example, if you want to make "npcSoldierGBDAxe" not hirable, change the value of the "extends" attribute from "npcAdvancedAxeTemplate" to "npcAxeTemplate".


There are other ways, but that's probably the easiest.


Also, if you're changing the spawn numbers anyway, you might as well make them a bit more balanced. For example, if you're in the forest biome, you might have a .03 probability of running across a guy with an axe, but a .01 chance of running across one with a tactical rifle; and if you're in the wasteland, it would be the other way around.


EDIT: This double posted for some reason. No idea why. Sorry about that.



9 hours ago, Ryan said:

Sorry for the incredible amounts of questions! one of the final few!
I've changed it so that raiders are friendly and soldiers are hostile yet... I can't remove the pront to 'talk' from the soldiers. And i can't add the prompt to add 'talking' to bandits.
I've figured out how to lower the amount of spawns via the groups file. Changing .1 to .03 making them per town pretty much 'less'.


There are different templates for NPC Core characters. The ones that are usually used are "basic" and "advanced." "Basic" characters can't be hired, and thus have less complicated AI. "Advanced" characters can be hired.


To switch from one to the other, you can choose what template the NPC extends. This is done in the pack's entityclasses.xml file. For example, if you want to make "npcSoldierGBDAxe" not hirable, change the value of the "extends" attribute from "npcAdvancedAxeTemplate" to "npcAxeTemplate".


There are other ways, but that's probably the easiest.


Also, if you're changing the spawn numbers anyway, you might as well make them a bit more balanced. For example, if you're in the forest biome, you might have a .03 probability of running across a guy with an axe, but a .01 chance of running across one with a tactical rifle; and if you're in the wasteland, it would be the other way around.

9 hours ago, Ryan said:

Sorry for the incredible amounts of questions! one of the final few!
I've changed it so that raiders are friendly and soldiers are hostile yet... I can't remove the pront to 'talk' from the soldiers. And i can't add the prompt to add 'talking' to bandits.
I've figured out how to lower the amount of spawns via the groups file. Changing .1 to .03 making them per town pretty much 'less'.


There are different templates for NPC Core characters. The ones that are usually used are "basic" and "advanced." "Basic" characters can't be hired, and thus have less complicated AI. "Advanced" characters can be hired.


To switch from one to the other, you can choose what template the NPC extends. This is done in the pack's entityclasses.xml file. For example, if you want to make "npcSoldierGBDAxe" not hirable, change the value of the "extends" attribute from "npcAdvancedAxeTemplate" to "npcAxeTemplate".


There are other ways, but that's probably the easiest.


Also, if you're changing the spawn numbers anyway, you might as well make them a bit more balanced. For example, if you're in the forest biome, you might have a .03 probability of running across a guy with an axe, but a .01 chance of running across one with a tactical rifle; and if you're in the wasteland, it would be the other way around. Up to you.

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