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starvation experiment


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Well I would love to say this was pre-planned, but, you know 🙂    1st day I finished the mini quests, visited trader and then headed in straight line towards center of the map looking for wasteland (insane level).   Cooking pots in A20 have been extremely hard for me to find right away, I've given up now and just plan on either finding a pot or getting enough ingredients to unlock the forge recipe and crafting one.  In 19 I could just look around for a restaurant and they were easy to find.  But I digress.


Got in the wasteland day 2, could not find a single building, or road, by nightfall and just holed up in some broken down building.  I had 10 health about 9pm.  It seems to go down in a percentage based system, ie the time difference from 100 to 90 might be pretty close to 10 to 9.  So I watched it, and it was 2, had not flipped to 1 yet but I assume close because hunger symbol started flashing red saying I was starving, and lost 1 health.  Did not experiment past this because you know vultures...   Luckily I had some raw eggs and discovered they do not cause dysentery.  I'm pretty sure I managed to survive the entire night on 2 eggs, even on 2 health I had a stamina of 75 vs the 102 or whatever level is max.  So you can go quite some time walking around very hungry.  This seems different from older versions.  Not complaining just noticing, it's these little things that really are important to surviving for me.


In case you were wondering, a dog got me the next day.  I was actually crouched and sneaking around but I think a dog spawned near me because I heard one loud growl and chomp I'm bleeding.  Then of course the mad rush with vultures coming in, the dog chasing me, out of stamina, screen red lol


Interestingly, I had a yellow eye feral come sniffing around me multiple times throughout the night.  I'm literally sitting one block up under and overhang (picture one of those broken down building sections).  So she was close enough to easily attack me, but didn't   (my enemy sense thing was at 1)   Probably visited me 3 times at least through the night, and when morning broke she just fell over dead!

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