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A Sincere Thank-You


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Good evening TheFunPimps crew,

I've been a long-time player and have just now gotten around to making a forum profile.

I wanted to come by and just thank you for the many years of development and time you've put into the game, it's been my most-played steam game and is my absolute all-time-favorite.

With A20, it runs smooth as butter on my machine, the updated zombie models in this build (hoodie guy, Soccer mom, etc) all look fantastic!
The new textures and light filters are great.
The water and zombie swimming animations are lovely.

I was absolutely TERRIFIED when I saw big hulking zombies get down on all fours to chase me through an air-vent, and after that heart attack I loved every moment.
I love that the zombies are less predictable and much more challenging now.

I've also been enjoying the music added to the game.

So deeply from the bottom of my rotted, infected, and lacerated heart - THANK YOU! ❤️

Ps:   If there's any chance you can add back farming as it was in a16 or a way to make the land more flush with the Farm Plots placed into the ground, I'd appreciate it 😆 
I kinda miss using a hoe and farming a field for days.    I understand the balance that it creates for early game, but eh.  I've become a pro at getting a farm going early game. Maybe some happy medium can be reached that makes the hoe a necessary item again? I just miss the old method of needing to till the land.   Just something a long-time fan would like to see, but I know you have a million ideas being tossed atcha from the community - not to mention the ideas you've made yourselves.
Just keep doing whatcha do and I'll be happy, that's enough for me.  

Thank you again!

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