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vr support


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oke hear me out this idea sound crazy (and it is) but the game has in my opinion a perfect bases for vr support and survivors lets be real here atleast if not all of us that have a vr headset wanted to go in the game and just beat the guts out of a zombie 



oke the mean attraction 


im proposing that the devs add basic vr support and no i do not mean to make that a must have for the game to play it it would be a side thing you could get in to during your playsession with friends or solo for fun and ofcourse it comes with it balance features to make it not mendatory but more of a fun thing on the side like i pointed above and please fellow survivors its just and idea so read this topic with a clean mindset and calm so we can have a nice discussion about it and for the devs if you guys are going forward with this idea it would be great but its not a mendatory update the game is amazing without vr also  (i got into this game with a friend on his playstation 3   that was good times) 



oke time for the balance features  



the upsides well there are a few but not many


1. fun  


oke that was lackluster but here me out like i stated before and above beating up a zombie in vr would be extremely funny, oke an example here:   lets say your in vr and your looting a house, but the house happens to have a basement and a zombie wakes up down there because of the noise and comes b lining up there stairs. how funny would it be to let this zombie come running up the stairs and punch him so hard (in vr) that he would be send flying down the stairs again.


2. full body support (this is a mayby on the dev side of things)


oke same story as above but instead of hitting just kicking (beware of real life objects and your own body because i can speak from experiences) this give the player the abilty to actively seek cover just like the pc users but the player has to move there whole body to do so


3.  health benefits


oke dont get me wrong but most of us have being stuck inside do to you know virus event and lockdown stuff so most gyms and other sport facilities have being closed but what has this to do with beating up zombies in vr well do the amount of zombies there are sometimes it has the potential to be a great work out by looting a house and beating up all of the zombies in side



oke time for some negatives


1. aiming guns (trust me it aint easy((being cheesey))(((sorry had to)))


oke for a pc user aiming is a cake walk but in vr is a whole other story its a lot harder because of you own jittering with the arms stretched out 


2. gathering resources 


oke here me out as a vr player you dont need a stanima bar but gathering stone for example would be a lot more of a challenge because you have to use your physical body to break the stone and i mean you have to hit the stone hard enough to do damage and break it


3. camera view


the pc user has the benefit of a third person camera when driving a car or a bike but as vr user they can be locked in first person that would make it a lot harder to see your surroundings when it comes to driving around the place


4. the scary factor


yes some of you might have played if not have heard of half life alex  and the infamous creature called jeff, now add that type of scaryness to a big poi when your looting because sometimes zombies are around a corner and can give you a scare because they feel like it but now apply that to vr (clean underwear is reccommend and mayby a medical team also) for example:   you have your steathskills to the max an your looting but the moment you round a corner there is a feral wight looking at you in his sleepmode (ya try not to scream out loud just yet)




but oke this is my idea give it some thought and let me know what you think of it and mayby you fellow survivors wanted to add or remove something  and a fast side not  its not meant to replace the core game its just an idea and a side thing so keep that in mind to 






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