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Electrical Logic Controls


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The game's electrical tools are pretty limited.  It would be very helpful to have a logic block (panel?) to better control your systems.  Let it connect multiple inputs and outputs.  Once placed, maybe you could access a radial menu by holding 'E' to change its behavior (NOT, AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, NXOR).  Maybe it could have timers to delay activation and/or deactivation.  Just this one block would open many possibilities without any further changes.  Power could still flow in one direction, from source to device, as it does now.

Edited by Anxiety123 (see edit history)
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  • 6 months later...

I would love for me to build a computer in this game xD. not really but having atleast an inverter (not) would be amazing. but I was thinking of atleast a 2 input relay that can either do a not, and, or or and give one output. after having that everything else can be constructed from it.


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