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How to increase the amount dropped by a zombie in line with player level?

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So I am working on a mod whereby the zombies only drop casinoCoins and you use those coins to purchase items from the trader.


I have the following in my loot.xml:


	or @name='drinkJarBeer' 
	or @name='drinkJarBoiledWater' 
	or @group='booksAllScaled' 
	or @group='brassResource' 
	or @name='resourceForgedIron' 
	or @name='resourceForgedSteel' 
	or @group='groupToolsTiered' 
	or @group='groupRareToolsTiered' 
	or @group='groupArmorScaled' 
	or @name='armorMiningHelmet' 
	or @group='groupApparelClothes' 
	or @group='warmClothes' 
	or @group='groupAmmoRegular' 
	or @group='groupWeaponsAllScaled' 
	or @name='apparelNightvisionGoggles' 
	or @name='oldCash' 
	or @name='drugHerbalAntibiotics' 
	or @group='rareMedicine' 
	or @name='drugPainkillers' 
	or @name='drugVitamins' 
	or @group='groupTreasureMaps' 
	or @group='groupQuestChallenge'
	or @name='casinoCoin']


<!-- Bikers -->
	or @name='drinkJarBeer' 
	or @name='drinkJarBoiledWater' 
	or @group='booksAllScaled' 
	or @group='brassResource' 
	or @name='resourceForgedIron' 
	or @name='resourceForgedSteel' 
	or @group='groupToolsTiered' 
	or @group='groupRareToolsTiered' 
	or @group='groupArmorScaled' 
	or @name='armorMiningHelmet' 
	or @group='groupApparelClothes' 
	or @group='warmClothes' 
	or @group='groupAmmoRegular' 
	or @group='groupWeaponsAllScaled' 
	or @name='apparelNightvisionGoggles' 
	or @name='oldCash' 
	or @name='drugHerbalAntibiotics' 
	or @group='rareMedicine' 
	or @name='drugPainkillers' 
	or @name='drugVitamins' 
	or @group='groupTreasureMaps' 
	or @group='groupQuestChallenge'
	or @name='resourceMilitaryFiber'
	or @name='armorSwatHelmet'
	or @group='groupApparelHazmat'
	or @group='groupModAllScaled'
	or @group='vehiclePartsTiered'
	or @name='casinoCoin']


<!-- Demolitions Zombie -->
<remove xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='73']/item[@group='booksRareOnlyScaled'
	or @name='resourceForgedSteel'
	or @group='groupRareToolsTiered'
	or @group='groupArmorScaled' 
	or @name='armorSwatHelmet' 
	or @group='groupApparelHazmat'
	or @group='groupAmmoRegular'
	or @group='groupWeaponsAllScaled'
	or @name='apparelNightvisionGoggles'
	or @name='oldCash'
	or @group='rareMedicine'
	or @name='drugVitamins'
	or @name='drugSteroids'
	or @group='groupTreasureMaps'
	or @group='groupQuestChallenge'
	or @group='groupModAllScaled'
	or @group='vehiclePartsTiered']

<!-- Add casinoCoin to Demolitions Zombie with low drop rate-->
<append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='73']">
	<item name="casinoCoin" count="1,20" prob="1"/>

<!-- Add casinoCoin to Other Zombies with low drop rate-->
<append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='70']">
	<item name="casinoCoin" count="1,20" prob="1"/>

<append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='71']">
	<item name="casinoCoin" count="1,20" prob="1"/>


However it doesnt seem to matter what night or how high a level the player is the amount of coins never changes.


I would like it that the game progresses the zombies drop a higher value of coins.


Sorry if this is obvious this is my first attempt at modding

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