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sound detection of zombies


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I am creating a mod for my dedicated server. For that, I do my tests in a single player game and if it works I transfer them to my server.

Currently, I am trying to modify the detection of zombies.

For example, for vision:

<set xpath = "/ entity_classes / entity_class [@ name = 'zombieTemplateMale'] / property [@ name = 'SightRange'] / @ value"> 80 </set>

Works great single player and on my server

However, I would now like to modify the sound detection. From my research:
“NoiseAlertThreshold” does not change anything
“AITarget-4” does not change anything
I only found :

<set xpath = "/ Sounds / SoundDataNode [@ name = 'metalhitstone'] / Noise / @ noise"> 110 </set>

This allows me to be detected from further if I hit stone with an iron tool. It works fine in single player but it doesn't work on my dedicated server.

Do you have any ideas ?

Sorry for my English ^^

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