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Cola, Pepsi, Water Cans


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There are tons of different food resources, cans and other stuff. But for drinking, we just have bottled water. Would be cool, if there would be cans of Cola or Pepsi in some houses. Maybe even Water Cans, which have 4-5 "bottled water" in, so we could fill those with water. But mainly, I am for more cans of various drinks! :)
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I'd just like a slightly increased variety in drinkable loot. We've got almost a dozen different kinds of canned food that can be found but only one kind of drinkable that can be found. That's not right. Just add a single variation: Canned Soda. As for not giving hydration, that's incorrect. Sugary drinks do hydrate. As does beer (but drinking beer should of course give an alcohol debuff).
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+1 for Cola cans from old vending machines that give you a stam buff like coffee. If you ever saw the movie, The Road, there is that part where the guy and his son are going through an old mall and find a vending machine. They are able to pry out one old can of Coke, which is like so rare post apocalypse, it made them really happy. The things we take for granted like a sweet sudsy can of soda would be treasured and would lift your spirits.
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