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Just a top to express my love for this version and the work the fun pimps have put in.


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Man Fun Pimps you guys have outdone yourself I'm returning from not having played for quite a few versions and I must say the game is superb right now bravo. I just love what you've done since I've left. keep up the hard work u guys its definitely moving in the right direction and is still in my all time favorite top 5. I'm super excited to continue playing and discovering more of what you've done. I love how much rarer the guns are now that's far better and gives it a much more survival horror feel last time I played without even trying to look for guns me and like 5 of my friends had pretty much 1 of every type of firearm in the game by day 5 it was kinda meh this run we've been looting alot and all we've found is a buncha blunderbusses and 1 hunting rifle at like day 17 makes for a mucher greater challenge!
I will add a short closing bit of feedback and this is less about nitpicking what's less than stellar and more about suggesting where to improve further upon your masterpiece. Okay the character models definitely need addressing like you guys should 2021 it up and give us some much prettier character models that would be dreamy. I know u are a small company and super high res models would take time and effort to perfect but I feel like that's this games BIGGEST short coming right now is just the character models are so low budget feeling and  scream 2013 and not even like really pretty 2013. Anyway I know its not a huge deal but after recently making a character on Monster Hunter World and then making a new one on here I'm just like wow these are low qaulity models lol XD but again not nitpicking just saying that could really bring in alot of new players for u guys if the characters were prettier.
Another aspect of the game that could definitely use some attention is the UI. Sure its functional and all but its bland and lifeless some nicer framing and shading in the interface would do wonders for the game I feel.
That's about it honestly other than that I love the direction you guys are taking the game I've had alot of fun this session and look forward to seeing where you all take it from here <3 Hope my feedback inspires you and helps out if u get a chance to read it. Oh also Idk if u guys took her out or not but if u did bring back stripper zombie! we're sad we don't get to see her anymore. also Old Biker zombie was scarier the new biker zombie! Love you Fun Pimps keep up the excellent work!

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