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Stealing Vehicles Impossible?


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I took a pickaxe to a bicycle that has been sitting unattended in front of a trader for days on my pvp server. It bothered me because it meant I never knew if someone was in there or not.  After a good 5 minutes of whacking it, the bicycle exploded, then shifted down a few pixels and got all its health back. I repeated this process 3 times before giving up. 

Is stealing/killing vehicles impossible if they are locked? 

Note: I did a search on "vehicles" before asking, but found nothing relevant. It was mostly all about passenger mods. 


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From memory you used to be able to break the lock off. Now it just makes a huge exposion, quite the jump scare honestly.. and then rinse repeat.


On my PvP server, you can attack the bike until it explodes, it will then move slightly.. and if you attack it again until it explodes a second time, it disappears.


Real odd stuff.

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