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Posted on wrong thread cos i'm stupid



Ok you horrible lot, Build 23 is ready! Due to POI fixes, you WILL need a new save unless you know how to reset regions properly. As per previous build, A21.1 only.


Regarding stable release, we tried the mod on A21.2 experiemental, and it broke HARD. So we're going to wait for A21.2 to go stable, then release DF as stable. Means we don't need to worry about pushing an update just for that, and gives us time to work on more polish. :)



- Updated SCore for some bug fixes.
- (Dayuppy) Fixed the faster build speed not working in multiplayer.
- (IDC) Updated the patch for the MP respawn bug.
- (IDC) Updated the custom game options mod for wandering horde/screamer zombies on main menu.
- (IDC) Fixed zombies spinning FORWARDS when they take a stun, and getting free hits on the player.
- (Myth) Fixed many PEP POI's. Full changelog is in the PEP folder.
- Fixed the chairs/tables/lockers/etc in both bunkers and Anna's house having incorrect tag for harvesting. They should now benefit from using a wrench (or equivalent) and salvage operations perk.
- Fixed incorrect tags on military stealth armor which meant some mods couldn't be installed.
- Fixed incorrect display duration on red tea and many other foods/drinks.
- Fixed Signal Flare not spawning supply crates and friends.
- Fixed Buried Treasure quests failing due to the treasure chest inheriting lockpicking code from another block.
- Fixed small bunker having no zombies on reset.
- (TobiC) Added new main menu image and logo.

- (IDC) Added a patch that allows crossbows to take magazine mods properly.
- (IDC) Added new trader protection that allows building/repairing within the trader.
- (IDC) Added a patch that mostly prevents zombies spawning inside traders.
- (Myth) Added Scouts Mod for screamers and their brood.
- Added new fruit trees that downgrade on harvest. These will ONLY be for player planted crops, not wild fruit trees.
- Added Drum Magazine back to the game as a T2 mod that can stack with other magazine extender mods.
- Added Crossbow Autoloader mod. Increases magazine size from 1 to 5.
- Added wandering horde mod into base DF and removed the unnecessary folder.
- Removed increased harvest amount from fruit trees as player planted ones can now downgrade again.
- Changed animation controller for Scout and Anna to the one the scarecrow uses as it should stop them moving around like some kind of possessed demon.
- Changed Beehives and Chicken Coops to use IDC's new code so they're easier to "fuel" and get produce from.
- Moved scout in Hugh's, Bob's, Rekt's and Joel's POI's AGAIN so players can double up on quests and hopefully not have the scouts randomly fall through walls.
- Doubled up ceiling on floors 2 and 3 in the lab bunker as this helps prevent a vanilla LOS bug with ranged zombies.



- Localization as per usual. Please post anything that seems odd or is missing.
- Loot is sort-of done so look for anything odd (other than zombies, as noted above).
- Some blocks may not show HP when damaged. If these are NOT vanilla, please tell me because I know how to fix it.


Main Download: http://darknessfallsmod.co.uk/DF-V5-DEV-B23.zip (you may need to copy and paste this)
Backup Download 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FNwtOLNv9Fd8JyG-RMAPTPOsDEQZsfWw/view?usp=sharing
Backup Download 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YUxj2eg10x8BlGTYN__CPR8JlFBk_Y57/view?usp=sharing

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