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*NEW* Hardcore PvP Anarchy Server (NA)


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Vanilla XP & loot, difficulty 4, rwg 8k map, no air drops. True anarchy, if it is within the boundaries of the game, it's allowed. Low slots at the moment, I can buy more anytime anywhere, so as soon as there's activity I'll get more. I'm looking for advice on what would be a good wipe cycle, right now I have it set on weekly Friday wipes. Starting from scratch here so discord and server are empty, looking for help seeding this. Also looking for any feedback, I'm new to hosting 7 days. Discord, IP, and server list name below.


"Assliquor's PVP Anarchy"





I've thought about starting a server like this for a while, I'm a long time Rust player and saw the potential. After reading a thread on this forum about the lack of servers like this, I decided to start one (some of us just like to punish ourselves). Please keep in mind that you will be robbed, killed, and raided by other players. You will fear the living more than the dead. This is high risk game play that is extremely rewarding in victory and absolutely crushing in defeat. Enjoy!

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