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Explored map sharing


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Now with random generated world it would be very nice to have possibility to share explored map with your friends. If want, it could require crafting, like paper and something maybe to make map and then give it to people. To take it further also more map markings would be nice, like simple red x to place on map over explored buildings, or possibility to write notes on map.
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[QUOTE=Stellar;125231]Now with random generated world it would be very nice to have possibility to share explored map with your friends. If want, it could require crafting, like paper and something maybe to make map and then give it to people. To take it further also more map markings would be nice, like simple red x to place on map over explored buildings, or possibility to write notes on map.[/QUOTE] Coal -> lump of coal -> coal stick Paper + coal stick - > crude map Player clicks crude map and adds areas that the creator of the map has explored. It could also be set so, if player A passes map to player B. Then player B gives map to player C, and Player C uses map they get the areas Player A+B have explored. Being able to add labels to a map would be nice but could get messy quick, I think that is something that should be limited to admins, or only 2 labels per player, 1 for home base, one for random places on map.
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