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Vehicle controls on a gamepad


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I may have posted this in the wrong place earlier, but here...


"#2 We have updated our gamepad vehicle controls to have accelerate and reverse on the trigger buttons, allowing for better vehicle movement"


This change was added in 18.4.


I play on PC and while I DO use the mouse and keyboard (mostly in the menues and inventory screens) but prefer to play first person shooters with a controller. Especially when it comes to movement. But I stupidly hit the default button to enable these controls, however and now I can't seem to be able to go back. How do I undo it? I basically can't use any vehicles until I figure out how to change it back.


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UPDATE: resetting my game to 18.3 does not fix this. 

Making a new game in 18.3 instead of 18.4 also does not fix this.


It would be nice if gamepad controls were customisable like the keyboard is. Instead of being forced to play however some dev thinks is "improved."

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UPDATE: uninstalling the game, reinstalling for 18.3, then reloading my games into 18.4 seems to have worked now. Although I had to delete my original game because for some reason, it loaded me backwards on my motorcycle and none of the controls worked. I couldn't even escape to close the game. Had to ctrl+alt+del to exit. So that's a 350+ day game down the shitter.

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