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Local connection timing


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I just need like a general nudge in the right direction for how to fix this. I host the game on my computer using the 7daysdedicated launcher and when my friend who is right across the room tries to connect it takes her password and then spits out "connection timed out". I don't even understand what needs to be fixed with that kind of error code. Please help!


I have launched and hosted local 7days game before and shes never had an issue connecting, but now this "connection timed out error" has happened multiple times.

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Reading through other posts related to connection issues again and I found someone mention SteamNetworking. I actually removed it from the disable list in serverconfig.xml and she can now connect. This leads me to think i haven't set up port forwarding properly? I don't understand how that is the issue thought because I have not changed anything since last time we played a couple months ago. if anyone sees this and would be kind enough to refresh my memory on how to properly set up port forwarding for this game I would be most appreciative!

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