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Someone tell me why my XPath modlet's not working


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I'm trying to change the biome generation in RWG. I did the patching with DMT to add my own generation class, but I can't make the game actually use it. Here's my config I'm trying to make work: https://pastebin.com/G5ZmaQG6


I'm trying to remove the "vanilla4k" and "vanilla8k" generators and replace them with my own. If I do the change myself in Data/Config/rgwmixer.xml, everything works, but putting the XPath config int Mods/my mod/Config does nothing (the biomes are generated the same as vanilla)


I've looked at a bunch of other people's modlets and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Help, anyone?

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First off, I'm assuming you put the patches in the Mods/mod/Config/rwgmixer.xml file and didn't rename it to something else.

The actual xpath values seem fine.

The only change from vanilla parameters I see is you adding a LinearSource module of type Line and then referring to it as the sourcemodule.

I can't find either of these anywhere, so I can't diagnose why they aren't working. However I assume they're the issue since the other parameters are the same as the vanilla generators.


If you want to check whether the xml patch is working at all, I suggest making it turn everything into a single biome and flying around for a bit.

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Yes, I am putting it in the Mods/mod/Config/rwgmixer.xml file.

And the issue is not in the change itself - if I put the xml into the game's rwgmixer.xml directly it works (it makes biomes in huge horizontal stripes, I check biomes.png and it's obvious there)

Is there any way to see that the patch is being applied? And/or any way to see the resulting xml files?

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For a test case I suggest making everything the same biome and using admin mode to fly around and try to find another biome.

If you're sure the xml patches should have an identical result to your manual editing, then the only issue I can think of is string related.

I've noticed some differences in names/localization regarding file editing vs modlets, so perhaps try changing the generator names.

IE instead of using "Biome Mapper Node19372", make up a unique name.

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I'm trying to change the biome generation in RWG. I did the patching with DMT to add my own generation class, but I can't make the game actually use it. Here's my config I'm trying to make work: https://pastebin.com/G5ZmaQG6


I'm trying to remove the "vanilla4k" and "vanilla8k" generators and replace them with my own. If I do the change myself in Data/Config/rgwmixer.xml, everything works, but putting the XPath config int Mods/my mod/Config does nothing (the biomes are generated the same as vanilla)


I've looked at a bunch of other people's modlets and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Help, anyone?


Judging by other peoples analysis and your report that adding it to core works, I'm assuming the code is all correct, have you checked the file and folder names to make sure they're accurate ? I had this problem not too long ago... drove me nuts but everything worked just peachy once I found and fixed that !

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