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A new POI: a sprawling, terrible underground labyrinth of caves


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Hi all.


Reading this wonderful piece https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/02/getting-lost-cave-labyrinth-brain/582865/ an idea came to mind:


Located somewhere in the wild, a maw on the earth waits for the player. A very clear sign rests on the entrance warning the reader that ahead lies an unusually extensive series of caves and tunnels and that the caverns walls and ceiling are made of stone (so, "cheating" your way out by digging upwards would be harder).


The labyrinth would be entirely dark, except for maybe some chambers with long forgotten torches placed.


Enemies would be few. Maybe the odd zombie lying in the dark. There should be loot of course, but nothing modern, as in AKs or the like, as to not make it out of place.


Expeditions like this would be an endeavour of days. One couldn't depend on the ingame map, so other precations should be taken, like drawn maps - you know, pen and paper - or (many) signs layed on the way. Underground ponds could be layered to at least give unprepared adventurers something to drink.


Surely, this wouldn't be for everyone, but enthusiast speleologues (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speleology) would love it.

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