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10 hours ago, Krvavy said:

Well, unfortunately I have to say it did not help at all... yes, I can move for a few seconds, but then I dismount. And again... and again. Then I drive for a while (about 20 meters) then dismount again...


Can I make the change to old behaviour or I have to wait for definitive fix? If no, I'm back to older version.



Upon further investigation, it seems that on Nexus, The_Wasteland-1043-21-2-2-51-1707906004.zip is identical as previous version... (dismount problem). I'm downloading from Azure repo now, and we'll see if the problem persists. Also, Old Atom Coupe hp is only 800.

Yeah, it didnt seem to fix it as I had hoped. I ran another test and threw it up in discord before I left for work and it seems to have fixed it. So I'll push a new update tonight. 



4 hours ago, Krvavy said:

Well, unfortunately I have to say it did not help at all... yes, I can move for a few seconds, but then I dismount. And again... and again. Then I drive for a while (about 20 meters) then dismount again...


Can I make the change to old behaviour or I have to wait for definitive fix? If no, I'm back to older version.



Upon further investigation, it seems that on Nexus, The_Wasteland-1043-21-2-2-51-1707906004.zip is identical as previous version... (dismount problem). I'm downloading from Azure repo now, and we'll see if the problem persists. Also, Old Atom Coupe hp is only 800.

Yeah, it didnt seem to fix it as I had hoped. I ran another test and through it up in discord before I left for work and it seems to have fixed it. So I'll push a new update tonight. 

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