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New Server Looking to Build Community - Arizona Based - PVP - Mostly Vanilla


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We've recently reset our server (on January 25th) and we're looking for some warm bodies to liven up the joint! We have a few regulars but plenty of growing room and it's just not the same without the imminent threat of someone obliterating your base while you're sleeping. =P


The server is mostly vanilla as the title implies. No zCoins, no extra exp, no extra loot. Really the only modifications are a longer 24 hour period, a movement speed buff on hard surfaces and a /bike command if yours gets stuck. It is a "family" server, and as such I have replaced stripper zombies with cheerleaders. :( The rules are common sense and common decency. PVP is allowed, and even encouraged, but please conduct yourself with dignity whilst melting faces. Functional profanity only, excess may get you kicked. Homophobia, racism, sexism, ageism, and ism(s) yet to be determined may result in kick/ban. Please play with your pants on... unless it's the weekend.


Oh, don't let my lack of forum activity scare you. I'm not a forum troll. I do have about 1800 hours in 7DTD though. :)


IP -

Port - 41301

Our Discord - https://discord.gg/z9ad3Wh


Difficulty Settings: Warrior

Van. Settings: Off

Van. Files: Off

Reqs. Mod: Off

Difficulty: Nomad

24 Hr Cycle: 120 mins

Daylight Length: 18

Zombie Day: Walk

Zombie Night: Run

Zombie Feral: Run

Zombie Blood Moon: Sprint

Max Zombies: 50

Max Animals: 60

Block Durability: 100%

Loot Abundance: 100%

Loot Respawn: 7 Days

Drop on Death: Backpack Only

Drop on Quit: Nothing

Blood Moon Count: 8 Enemies

Enemy Spawning: On

Air Drops: Every Day

Cheat Mode: Off

Mark Air Drops: On

Player Killing: Kill Everyone

Claim Size: 41 Blocks

Claim Deadzone: 30 Blocks

Claim Duration: 3 Days

Claim Decay Mode: Slow

Claim Health Online: 4X

Claim Health Offline: 10X

Party Shared Kill Range: 500 M

Show Friends on Map: On

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