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Ragsy 2145

Ragsy 2145

I am shocked then that this worked in A21 lol ... not going to be on my priority list to look at with the vehicle camera changes that TFP did.

I stopped at A20 for reasons stated in my reply about the vehicle camera ,  if it worked in A21 then it had an extended life . 


I think I recall there is another mod  by OCBMaurice that gives first person for vehicles but as far as I know its a  c# version .




Ragsy !! 



Ragsy 2145

Ragsy 2145

I am shocked then that this worked in A21 lol ... not going to be on my priority list to look at with the vehicle camera changes that TFP did.

I stopped at A20 for reasons stated in my reply about the vehicle camera ,  if it worked in A21 then it had an extended life . 


I think I recall there is another mod  by OCBMaurice that give first person for vehicles but as far as I know its a  c# version .




Ragsy !! 



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