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New Vehicles to scavenge?


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While I was immersed in alpha 17 loving almost every bit of what they've done it occured to me that they could do alot better with vehicles to scavenge. All we have is a sedan and a bus for the most part. I think it would be cooler since they have added so many new buildings to create cars that relate to them and give you a peek at the loot of what that building has to offer.

These new vehicles could be Worker trucks, cop cars, military Trucks, Mail trucks, Ambulances.

All of these vehicles could act as watered down loot crates of what they portray so you don't get all the good loot from things outside of the intense buildings, but they could be a neat addition to the game in my opinion

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It would be more realistic if these vehicles were there indeed. I mean, there's a hospital, police office, military camps but no related vehicles, which is unrealistic since the map is too big to bring people from perishton to dierville hospital on foot so I agree. tho I wouldn't put it as a priority, since Aplha 17 already brought new vehicles.

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