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[Help] Trying to split Crafting Tiers


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Hello Survivors.


I like the A17 very well but there are some points i dont like. So I dont like that at the point i can craft T6 Iron Tools and when i'm taking the Steel Worker Perk i'm ready to craft T6 Steel Items.


So im trying to split Crafting Tier from the Intelect Perk and make it a seperate Perk AND to split these Crafting Tiers into Iron Working Tier and Steel Working Tier, so that you have to spent extra points to get Steel Tools to T6.


With this setup i would go on and split Armorcrafting from the original Tier as well and make it seperate AND bring in the Weapon Crafting Tier.


But for the start i need help. How do i tell an Item like meleeToolPickaxeIron to use ironCraftingTier instead of the normal tier system? Where do i define the new tierings?


Is there anybody out there that had a helping hend on that? Is this even possible with A17?


Many thanks and best regards


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In A17 TFP decided that they would take all those cool unique game features they created over the last 4 years and they would just throw them all out in the trash and try and mimic their far superior in quality, game competition (aka FallOut). So unfortunately you can not do "split crafting tiers" anymore. Crafting tiers are no longer a stat that can be attached to a set item or group of items. It is now, in TFP great and superior wisdom, a over all player stat (wtf were they thinking).


I do have a work around that I have created to make this system work again but it is kinda complex and I will not be giving it out until i release my mod.


So untill then the short answer is you cant do this because TFP dont want you to anymore.

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I thought this was going to be an easy answer, and then stared looking in to it, and the only issue I see as to whether or not it is feasible is if we can use custom tags. I've been meaning to test that out, but there has been a lot to do with a17.


But, I wanted to drop a message on you and let you know someone is looking in to this for you :)


Cheers :)

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In A17 TFP decided that they would take all those cool unique game features they created over the last 4 years and they would just throw them all out in the trash and try and mimic their far superior in quality, game competition (aka FallOut). So unfortunately you can not do "split crafting tiers" anymore. Crafting tiers are no longer a stat that can be attached to a set item or group of items. It is now, in TFP great and superior wisdom, a over all player stat (wtf were they thinking).


I do have a work around that I have created to make this system work again but it is kinda complex and I will not be giving it out until i release my mod.


So untill then the short answer is you cant do this because TFP dont want you to anymore.


That's not entirely true.


The determining factor in crafting tiers is a passive effect, quite literally called CraftingTier:


<passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="2,10" value="1,5"/>


You can add tags to the end of that, so that the effect only triggers with specific items.


In theory, you could at very least separate out items with the existing tags into several categories, such as lightarmor, heavyarmor, etc...


For example:


<perk name="perkHeavyArmorsmithing" parent="attStrength" (etc...)>
   (Level Reqs)
       <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="1,5" value="1,5" tags="heavyarmor"/>


I haven't tested to see if this works, but it totally should.


Let me know one way or the other :)




PS: There is not a universe out there where Fallout 4 is superior to 7DTD. Not one.

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So i tried this

<perk name="craftingLightArmor" parent="skillAthletics" name_key="Test6543" desc_key="Test234" icon="ui_game_symbol_light_armor2">
	<level_requirements level="1"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="attAgility" operation="GTE" value="1" desc_key="reqAgilityLevel1"/></level_requirements>
	<level_requirements level="2"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="attAgility" operation="GTE" value="3" desc_key="reqAgilityLevel3"/></level_requirements>
	<level_requirements level="3"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="attAgility" operation="GTE" value="5" desc_key="reqAgilityLevel5"/></level_requirements>
	<level_requirements level="4"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="attAgility" operation="GTE" value="7" desc_key="reqAgilityLevel7"/></level_requirements>
	<level_requirements level="5"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="attAgility" operation="GTE" value="10" desc_key="reqAgilityLevel10"/></level_requirements>
		<passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="1,5" value="1,5" tags="lightarmor"/>

Then i tried to craft a cloth armor but its still level 1, so no bonus.


Also tried to give the Entity PlayerMale the passive effect:

<passive_effect name="lightArmorCraftingTier" operation="base_set" value="1" tags="lightarmor"/>

but then there i a failure in the entityxml on loading...

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A reasonable minded person would think it would have been designed in that way but they would be wrong. The system does not work like that. You really shouldn't give advice on code you have not taken the time to understand or test yourself. It really waste people time.


I will say again. Crafting Tiers are no longer a item or item group stat. It is now a player stat and there is only one stat. You can not have one crafting tier for one item and another crafting tier for another item. It is all like HP or stamina it is a set player stat.


It is a terrible design by its self but a HUGE step backwards from A16


PS. I dont like Fallout. I'm not a FallOut fan but by any measurable way that you can judge a game 7D2D loses against FallOut. That is not opinion thats fact like 1+1=2. Art, Stability, Level Design, Character Creation, Story Line I could go on and on and on but we all know the truth. TFP choosing to compete with them is like a rookie feather weight boxer made the conscious decision to get in the ring with the heavy weight world champ. Its not going to end well.

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Yes, and my apologies for that. If I come up with a working solution, I will totally let you know.


Cheers :)





You really shouldn't give advice on code you have not taken the time to understand or test yourself. It really waste people time.


I disagree. By opening up the discussion on the subject, I have garnered valuable information on what doesn't work, without having to take the time and effort to test something myself. Call it delegation of testing tasks :) And, to be fair, I did point out that it was untested.


I will say again. Crafting Tiers are no longer a item or item group stat. It is now a player stat and there is only one stat. You can not have one crafting tier for one item and another crafting tier for another item. It is all like HP or stamina it is a set player stat.


And I get that. And I will say it again: Nothing in the code permanently changes CraftingTier. At base, it is always 1. In it's current iteration, Intellect has a passive effect that for, all points an purposes, temporarily increases CraftingTier, even though it does it constantly. This can be demonstrated by lowering or raising Intellect with temporary buffs. All we need is a way to differentiate when to set it to what.


Barring being able to do that, maybe we can alter the crafted item after the fact. I mean, at base, the desired result is an item with specific parameter values. If we're talking pure vanilla, we only need to affect 1 value: Tier. If we can't do that, then being able to alter DegradationMax and ModSlots on the items would work.


Now, I will admit, I am not as familiar with a17 as I was a16.4 (yet). But this is how we, as a community, learn and grow. Either we will find a solution, or we will find that there isn't one. But it's hardly a waste of anyone's time to try something, whether it is successful or not.


PS: We'll have to agree to disagree, then.

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