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Dummy and Targets for Practice


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Been enjoying playing the new A17 since its release, but had this idea: what if there were straw dummies and wooden targets you could make for archery practice and a little fun competition? I know some people probably will just say: why don't you just kill some zombies? Nevertheless, I still think they could be useful and fun, especially for people that only play a game/server until their first death. Always good to have practice before the real thing (also reminds me of a certain zombie apocalypse tv show where they did the same thing in an earlier episode, except for firearms). Should be possible now that bolts and arrows have a chance of sticking in or through what you shoot them at so you can see where you actually hit. However, I think for any dummies/targets they should have a higher chance of not breaking and of sticking. And what recipes for them? Maybe the dummies could be made with cloth and plant fiber, the targets with wood and paint. Hope if nothing else people find this idea interesting, and that it hasn't been suggested before (don't want to be repetitive). Let me know what you think.

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