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Progression Level Question


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I’m sure I’m missing something obvious but can someone tell me what the Levels 11-20 refer to in the progression file? None of the attributes or perks go to those levels, yet there are several references to them. Can someone shed some light on this for me?



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I’m sure I’m missing something obvious but can someone tell me what the Levels 11-20 refer to in the progression file? None of the attributes or perks go to those levels, yet there are several references to them. Can someone shed some light on this for me?




There are 3 types of "Progressions". Attributes, Skills and Perks. An example of the progression.xml below ...

                       <requirement name="HoldingItemHasTags" tags="ranged"/>
                       <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="0.0,0.40" level="1,9"/>
                       <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="0.5" level="10"/>
                       <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="0.52,0.70" level="11,20"/>

... is from the Attribute "Perception". It basically means that levels 1 through 9 provide the percentage add to EntityDamage of 0.0 through 0.40 but when Perception is at level 10, it changes and changes again from levels 11 through 20.


If the Attribute does not level to 11 through 20, the effect will not be activated.

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I'm seconding infal's answer...in the vanilla game, they are presumably there for you you accrue buffs that take your attributes over 10.


As a sidenote, regardless of how high you set the maxlevel to for attributes, they hardcap out at 20, and then you "do not meet the level requirement" if you try to improve them past that.


I haven't checked to see if buffs can take them past that or not yet.

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