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[A17b240] Allow Complex Rotation for Garage Door


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This mod isn't working for me. I tried the download from here and nexusmods but the ration remains the same. I'm guessing im probably not suppose to just drop it into the mod folder, lol.


Open the zip file - Windows has built in support for zip files but if you want a better program get 7-Zip (http://www.7-zip.org/) - then extract the folder in the zip file into your mods directory.

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That's what iv done. I've tried it a few times now and it just wont work for me which is odd considering i have 20+ mods working which i installed exactly as you described. Must be some sort of issue on my end i guess.



Check the console when you load your world. (F1 key)

Scroll to the top and you should see a bunch of messages about loading the various mods

It should say:

Trying to load from infalGarageDoorRotate

Loaded Mod: infalGarageDoorRotate (A17b240)


also, look for any text in yellow or red on the console. A yellow message might say something along the lines of "could not apply line from mod infalGarageDoorRotate"


Other than that, I'd say it could just be an incompatibility with another mod. You could test by temporarily removing all the other mods and starting a new world with creative enabled and see if the garage door rotation works then.


The fact that it doesn't work with mine and the other mod from nexus, and that you do know how to install mods etc, I'm leaning towards incompatible with another mod.

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Hmmm, yeah so its definitely loading that mod just fine.


''Trying to load from infalGarageDoorRotate

Loaded Mod: infalGarageDoorRotate (A17b240)''


It must be a conflict with another mod then. I'll try running it without my other mods a little later to see if that fixes it.

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The xpath code in this is all messed up so it still needs work mate.

Could you be more specific? What about it messed up?


The code is:

<set xpath="/blocks/block[starts-with(@name, 'garageDoorMetal')]/property[@name=OnlySimpleRotations]/@value">false</set>


Which works fine for me an A17 b240


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Notepads tellin me this works -



<set xpath="/blocks/block[@name=garageDoorMetal]/property[@name=OnlySimpleRotations]/@value">false</set>




Sorry it didn't work for me so i assumed it was the code, maybe yours works as well, it just didn't for me. I wasn't meaning to be critical I just had to work out how else to put it before elaborating.

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Notepads tellin me this works -



<set xpath="/blocks/block[@name=garageDoorMetal]/property[@name=OnlySimpleRotations]/@value">false</set>




Sorry it didn't work for me so i assumed it was the code, maybe yours works as well, it just didn't for me. I wasn't meaning to be critical I just had to work out how else to put it before elaborating.


That's okay, I'm just trying to fix a problem if one exists but that's difficult when the modlet is working fine for me.


Your code above would need to use the full names and have a line for each variant garageDoorMetal_v1, garageDoorMetal_v2, garageDoorMetal_v3 though, since you can only place v2 and v3 in creative, you may only need the line for v1.


The starts-with property is explained in sphereii's post about xpath, it just lets you modify multiple objects with a single line.



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