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Sad, but not surprised


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So I see Steam came out with it's Best games of 2018, and noticed that 7 days to die was not on ANY of the lists. I am disappointed, although not surprised. I think the best year (for me) with 7 days to die was 2016. Game was fun to play and challenging enough, even with the many glitches the game had.


With the very very long delays in updating the game, the developers frustrated many die-hard 7 days players to the point where they found other games to play to keep them happily playing. I hung in there still enjoying the latest alpha 16 patiently waiting for A17 to drop. I finally played the 7 days A17 experimental, and quite frankly just don't enjoy playing it anymore.


I'll probably dab in to play once in a while, but the first hours of playing A17, I found frustratingly difficult to play, with the endless zombie spawning it was almost impossible to clear a house to explore any treasures inside, as well as the 100,000 (exaggerated number) perks we have to now buy to do anything of worth.....to me is RIDICULOUS!


Either way, I think 7 days had potential to make the 2018 cut of best games, but the latest release albeit major, was simply too late for many former fans of the game.

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I'll probably dab in to play once in a while, but the first hours of playing A17, I found frustratingly difficult to play, with the endless zombie spawning it was almost impossible to clear a house


I don't necessarily disagree with your opinion of the first hours being frustrating, but I've encountered zero instances of endless zombie spawning in around 100 hours of playing A17. There can be a lot of zombies, and if you move away from a POI by quite a distance, the position of sleepers might change, but afaik fresh ones shouldn't spawn in until after a few days.


Even with early game weapons, it's very possible to clear out small to medium POIs as long as you don't rush too much and make sure you've got an exit strategy.

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I'll probably dab in to play once in a while, but the first hours of playing A17, I found frustratingly difficult to play, with the endless zombie spawning it was almost impossible to clear a house to explore any treasures inside


It is not endless at all, but it definitely is a problem. Not a gamebreaking one, but a slight annoyance. The sleeper and POI code is the issue. If you walk outside a POI's range without clearing the POI, the sleepers will reset. This means that there will immediately respawn new sleepers within the POI to add to the already awakened sleepers you probably were kiting around and backing out of the POI's range.


Now on large POI's this issue is hardly felt at all, but on smaller ones like tent camps in the wild it becomes quite a frustrating annoyance thanks to the POI border being too small.


It's an issue that should preferably be fixed by adding either a timer to sleeper respawning, a rule of diminishing returns on sleepers or a "distance from POI border-rule" (maybe even with a timer, as in don't stay too far away too long) so that POI borders aren't as hard coded and sleeper respawns not as immediate. Preferably a combination of all three.


Anyway, point is that even though I feel your frustration you are exaggerating the issue. While I agree you shouldn't have to meta play things like this, as it is right now you kind of have to. But since you can meta play, it is not game breaking.

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