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Sleepers Question


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I used to mod the game a lot but put it down for a long time. I recently came back to try out the new patch and I like a lot of what has been changed. I was wondering if anyone could walk me through how to make less sleepers spawn in the houses. Maybe I'm rusty but it seems like it takes me 45 mins to and hour to clear one house with so many sleepers in each house. I enjoy the scare from them and they did a great job hiding a lot of them but it just seems way too many. Thanks for any replies.

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At the top of the Gamestages.xml file the sleepergroups look like this:


<group name="S_-Group_Generic_Zombie" emptyChance="0" decoyChance="0" decoy1hpChance="0">

<spawner name="SleeperGSList" count="5,6"/>


The count is minimum, maximum; these can be changed to some lower numbers. Also the emptyChance can be altered to .25 or .45 or whatever such that sometimes the sleepervolume will be empty.

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