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Laran Mithras

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Posts posted by Laran Mithras

  1. 12 minutes ago, outhous said:

    Just loot a Savage Country, take all the dye out of the clothes and scrap each dye into 15 paint. Unless you just need tons of paint.

    Usually what I do. Savage Country gives ~650 paint. I use 5K+.

    Murky water changes are going to push paint into fantasy realm if no changes to recipe. But... I'll adapt. Just takes the paint-fun out of the game.

  2. 10 hours ago, NekoPawtato said:

    you get 100 paint from 1 murky water (200 if using chemistry station)

    I don't really use paint so IDK how fast someone would go through that. If you can burn through hundreds of paint that quickly then would you say you're at a point where you're no longer struggling for water? (Unless maybe you're taking over an existing POI and painting over it?)

    In my current solo, I've already burned over 3K paint just on the base of the structure alone - not a drop for the walls or interior. Normally, I go through about 4K total. This playthrough is going to be ~8K


    A21 Murky water... Paint won't be viable until extremely late game if there are no changes to paint recipe.

  3. 8 hours ago, Rabbitslovecactus said:

    Would be awesome if we could also open locked damaged doors with holes in them. Just reach in and unlock from the inside knob. This would obviously need a change in the programming so the inside of all doors are always unlocked. Imagine reaching into a hole in the door, only to have your hand grabbed by a zombie and pulled on/bitten. That would really add to the suspense if it happened randomly/rarely.

    Zombies hiding under bunk beds. I'm tellin ya...


  4. 11 minutes ago, ISPARTACUSI said:


    9.  Add some rare environmental hazards. Lightning-strikes, radiation, tornados, locusts, rabbits that eat your crops, food rot/decay, etc. Heck, maybe even rainbows--Just gives the game some variety.


    Some environmental effects have been increased with Alpha 20 and I really enjoy that direction. The darker A20 lighting during the current storms is very welcome.


    In Anarchy Online, some storms could develop that were literal howling screams of ferocity. I remember a few thunder-dust storms so wild that we couldn't see, couldn't hear anything, and felt a threat to our puny mortal existences. I really hope TFP carry their changes even further. 

  5. They beauty is complete: those who don't like the new changes can play on the older alpha. They have the game they want. No need to be mad about it.


    There are a couple things to be said for the never-ending alpha state: the devs keep their jobs/career; and the players get an MMO-style constant stream of updates and content.


    I was dubious reading the notes on Reddit, then found it positive, and am now enthusiastic about the upcoming changes. I would push to say, "never finish the game," but feel really sorry for console players. At some point, you guys will have to update console, no matter the "alpha state."

  6. I have quite a bit of XML modding experience in various games. However, this is the first time I'm using XPath.


    To test my sublimely superb modding abilities (sarcasm), I have constructed a simple test mod. No, I don't want my Sham Chowder being super food. Just a test.


    To wit:

        <set xpath="/items/item[@name='foodShamChowder')]/effect_group/triggered_effect[@cvar='$foodAmountAdd']/@value">100</set>

     The loading screen shows an error "@value has an invalid token.

    Token? The structure was copied from several different existing mods written by others, so I must be missing something here that escapes me.

    Help? Thanks =)

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