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Posts posted by Kingston621

  1. On 1/8/2022 at 10:11 AM, xyth said:

    They are uncommon spawns, but are around.  Nothing is balanced yet, mostly because this isn't primarily intended to be a mod used alone, but for POI builders and mod makers to use in their mods.  You can use it alone, but balance is then on you because we don't know how many or which expansion packs you might load.


    I want to say that you and your team has done a wonderful job with this project.  Just want to let you know that your hard work is appreciated. 

  2. On 1/30/2022 at 2:30 AM, ate0ate said:

    Sorry, I wasn't trying to stir up anything, I was just genuinely curious if anything done there could be helpful here is all. I just started using SMX myself so I saw the other version claim support and was interested. I have no issues running this with SMX at all even without renaming as SMX's compat patch seems to address that. I think I wrongly assumed that the other version of TA actually supported SMX, as in integrated the UI and whatnot. I am not sure that is the case after looking at the xml and I haven't personally tried it myself since I'm a bit attached to this version lol. I kind of look at this version as not a community version per se as it is clearly Tristam's work keeping it alive, but definitely open to community input, which is great. I actually did leave a comment on the other guy's version a day or two ago very gently nudging him in this direction (over to the forums) and asking what his plans were for keeping things parallel. As far as I know they never replied. I don't know but I kinda made the opposite assumptions and just assumed good intentions but I can see why there would be some concern in hindsight and I have no idea what the truth of the matter is. Sorry again guys.

    It is not you whom needs to apologize.  I am sorry for my outburst.  I want to think, in the end, we are all just coding geeks trying to improve the game and having fun.


    Again, my apologies.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Tristam said:

    You guys got it all wrong.  I'd be a hypocrite if I got upset with them.  It's IvanDx's mod at the end of the day.  He gave me his blessing to do this, but it's not my place to tell other people to do the same.  After all, everything I've learned here I've learned from frankensteining other mod author's works.  If you were to pick apart the code I used, you'd find about 2% original Tristam work, and the rest would be from the top mod authors around.  Too many for me to even begin to give credit to.  Besides, what's the harm?  We're all just making the game more fun for one another, right?


    Also, Idk why there needs to be an SMX version anyway.  IIRC, all you had to do with my version was rename it so that it appears after SMX in your mod folder, alphabetically, and it would work.  I will say, his version is a lot more cleaned up though. :)


    I wouldn't say "learn".  But I've been taught by the other members of this modding community how to rotate models.  So the basics of the basics.  After that, it's just been a few weeks of trial and error, as usual.  I'm not done yet, but I'll get there.

    My apologies. You are right.  I am guilty of it too.  I use the NPCcore and Score in my game along with several other mods and I've had to rewrite code to make them work together.  By the way, the changes you made are working great.  

  4. 34 minutes ago, MikeyUK said:


    I mean it seems to be a nice mod and to be perfectly honest I am tempted by it but if I was Tristam I'd be pretty @%$#ed.  Yeah they have added stuff and done their own work but in their latest update they have taken the VERY latest version of Tristam's TA (the one with some models without the blue text) and incorporated that into their update.  Given their "branch" came out before these were removed I would have thought it should be their job to do the hard work themselves in Unity and not just simply benefit and steal Tristam's hard work to incorporate into their new versions (with other stuff).


    All I want is a great working version of TA but c'mon guys, be respectful to each other and don't just steal the best bits.


    I don't know why, for example they didn't just release it as a TA addon override mod rather than a brand new version, would have been more respectful.

    Even though credit was given on the page, it is still disrespectful. 


    A Terms of Service or Permission clause can be implemented on the page to prevent this sort of thing. But that is up to Tristam.


  5. 2 hours ago, Roy-O-Roma said:


    Hey Tristam, 

    If you mess with unity, will that be messing with all of the scope settings? Will we need to redo those?

    I will say, it is really awesome to see the community come together offering all of these customizations.

    @Kingston621 Can I also get a copy of your loot and trader? Though I do like occasionally coming across a box of 300 in the wild, as that feels like a special moment, so I am going to keep those.


    Also if anyone is interested, I have been working on getting this mod to work with Darkness falls. While it technically works, some of the perks and damage bonuses weren't applying so the TA guns would fall behind the vanilla - except for the .50 because... its damage is already so high.

    Sent you a DM with the code you requested

  6.  Completely rewrote the loot.xml file to make it work.  45 and 556 ammo can now be found in the wild.  You have the same low chance of finding 45 and 556 ammo as you do with 44 and 762.  TA guns now have a small chance to be found in the large gun safes. Gave the TA gun mods the same chance of finding as the regular mods.  Took out the Box, crate and Metal Box ammo in the wild to make it match the vanilla game where you have to craft the large bundles.  Tested with both A20 and A21 experimental versions.  Works so far. 


    Take a look, let me know, I can make changes as you see fit...


    <!-- Add Ammo Groups -->
    <!-- Removing Box Ammo to be craft item only, add 45ammo to match 44ammo numbers-->
        <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupAmmoRegularGunslingerT1']">
            <item name="45ACPAmmo" loot_prob_template="QLTemplateT1" count="6,14" />
        <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupAmmoRegularGunslingerT2']">
            <item name="45ACPAmmo" loot_prob_template="QLTemplateT1" count="8,19" />
    <!-- Add to Regular Ammo Groups-->
        <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupAmmoRegularT0']">
            <item name="556mmAmmo" count="6,12" />
        <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupAmmoRegularT1']">
            <item name="556mmAmmo" count="8,17" />
        <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupAmmoRegularT2']">
            <item name="556mmAmmo" count="12,25" />
    <!-- Add to Advanced Ammo Groups-->
        <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupAmmoAdvancedGunslinger']">
            <item name="AP45ACPAmmo" loot_prob_template="QLTemplateT2" count="8,19" />
            <item name="HP45ACPAmmo" loot_prob_template="QLTemplateT2" count="6,14"/>
        <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupAmmoAdvanced']">
            <item name="AP556mmAmmo" count="12,25" />
            <item name="HP556mmAmmo" count="8,19" />
            <item name="40mmGAmmo" count="1" />
        <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupAmmoRocket']">
    		<item name="40mmGAmmo" count="1"/>
    <!-- Add to Quests -->
    	<append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupQuestAmmo']">
    		<item name="556mmAmmo" count="60" loot_prob_template="QuestT1Prob"/>
    		<item name="HP556mmAmmo" count="45" loot_prob_template="QuestT2Prob"/>
    		<item name="AP556mmAmmo" count="45" loot_prob_template="QuestT2Prob"/>
    		<item name="45ACPAmmo" count="75" loot_prob_template="QuestT2Prob"/>
    		<item name="HP45ACPAmmo" count="50" loot_prob_template="QuestT2Prob"/>
    		<item name="AP45ACPAmmo" count="50" loot_prob_template="QuestT2Prob"/>
    		<item name="40mmGAmmo" count="5" loot_prob_template="QuestT3Prob"/>
    <!-- Not Sure if this will work, but add to A20 Ammo Groups -->
    	<!-- Make 556 ammo numbers match 762 -->
    	<append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='group762mmSmall']">
    		<item name="556mmAmmo" count="5,7" loot_stage_count_mod="0.01"/>
    	<append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='group762mmMedium']">
    		<item name="556mmAmmo" count="12,20" loot_stage_count_mod="0.01"/>
    	<append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='group762mmLarge']">
    		<item name="556mmAmmo" count="24,40" loot_stage_count_mod="0.01"/>
    	<!-- Make 45 ammo match 44 numbers -->
    	<append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='group44MagnumSmall']">
    		<item name="45ACPAmmo" count="4,6" loot_stage_count_mod="0.01"/>
    	<append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='group44MagnumMedium']">
    		<item name="45ACPAmmo" count="8,12" loot_stage_count_mod="0.01"/>
    	<append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='group44MagnumLarge']">
    		<item name="45ACPAmmo" count="16,26" loot_stage_count_mod="0.01"/>
    <!--Add Guns to Safes-->
        <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupWeaponsMedMedMed']">
            <item name="gunHandgunT1Colt1911" prob="0.05" />
            <item name="gunHandgunT1Colt_M1873" prob="0.05" />
            <item name="gunHandgunT1P99" prob="0.05"  />
            <item name="gunRifleT1WinchesterM1894" prob="0.05"  />
            <item name="gunShotgunT1s686" prob="0.05"  />
            <item name="gunHandgunT2MK23" prob="0.04" />
            <item name="gunHandgunT2USP9" prob="0.04" />
            <item name="gunHandgunT2UMP" prob="0.04"  />
            <item name="gunMGT2HK416" prob="0.04"  />
            <item name="gunMGT2ACR" prob="0.04"  />
            <item name="gunShotgunT2M4Super90" prob="0.04"  />
            <item name="gunHandgunT3Beretta93R" prob="0.03" />
            <item name="gunHandgunT3Glock18c" prob="0.03" />
            <item name="gunHandgunT3DesertEagle" prob="0.03"  />
            <item name="gunHandgunT3RagingBull" prob="0.03"  />
            <item name="gunHandgunT3MP5N" prob="0.30"  />
            <item name="gunHandgunT3MP5SD" prob="0.03"  />
            <item name="gunHandgunT3KRISS_Vector" prob="0.03"  />
            <item name="gunRifleT3Kar98K" prob="0.03" />
            <item name="gunRifleT3M110" prob="0.03" />
            <item name="gunRifleT3MSG90A1" prob="0.03"  />
            <item name="gunRifleT3M82a1" prob="0.03"  />
            <item name="gunMGT3M4A1" prob="0.03"  />
            <item name="gunMGT3SCAR_L" prob="0.030"  />
            <item name="gunMGT3M16A4" prob="0.03"  />
            <item name="gunMGT3SCAR_H" prob="0.03"  />
            <item name="gunMGT3SA58OSW" prob="0.03"  />
            <item name="gunMGT3M249" prob="0.03"  />
            <item name="gunMGT3M60E4" prob="0.03"  />
            <item name="gunMGT3Gatling" prob="0.03"  />
            <item name="gunMGT3M14EBR" prob="0.03"  />
            <item name="gunShotgunT3SPAS12" prob="0.03"  />
            <item name="gunShotgunT3Saiga12K" prob="0.03"  />
            <item name="gunShotgunT3AA12" prob="0.03"  />
    <!-- Make the item modifiers lootable -->
        <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='modGunT1']">
    		<item name="TacticalForegripMod"/>
    		<item name="TacticalBipodMod"/>
    		<item name="modTApad"/>
    		<item name="TAFlashLightMod(pistol)"/>
    		<item name="TALaserSightMod(pistol)"/>
    		<item name="WeaponFlashlightLAMMod"/>
    		<item name="PistolSuppressorMod"/>
    		<item name="HoloBurrisSightMod"/>
    		<item name="HoloRMRSightMod"/>
    	<append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='modGunT2']">
    		<item name="WeaponLight+LaserANPEQ15Mod" prob=".5"/>
    		<item name="WeaponFlashlightANPEQ2Mod"/>
    		<item name="RifleSuppressorMod"/>
    		<item name="HoloAimpointCompM3Mod"/>
    		<item name="HoloEOTech558Mod"/>
    		<item name="AN/WeaponNightvisionGogglesScopePVS22Mod"/>
    		<item name="Reflex+ScopeEOTech-ECOSMod" prob=".3"/>
    		<item name="Scope2xACOG_TA31_BACMod" prob=".6"/>
    		<item name="Scope2xACOG_TA01Mod"/>
    		<item name="SniperReflex+ScopeLeupoldCQBSSMod" prob=".3"/>
    	<append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='modGunT3']">
    		<item name="WeaponLight+LaserANPEQ15Mod"/>
    		<item name="Reflex+ScopeEOTech-ECOSMod"/>
    		<item name="Scope2xACOG_TA31_BACMod" />
    		<item name="SniperReflex+ScopeLeupoldCQBSSMod"/>
    <!-- Insert Schematics (Have NOT modified yet, so don't know if it works)--> 
    <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='empty']">
    		<lootgroup name="LightStickG" count="1">
    			<item name="LightStickRed" count="3,15" prob="0.7"/>
    			<item name="LightStickBlue" count="3,15" prob="0.4"/>
    			<item name="LightStickYellow" count="3,15" prob="0.4"/>
    			<item name="LightStickGreen" count="3,15" prob="0.4"/>
    			<item name="LightStickpurple" count="3,15" prob="0.4"/>
    	<append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupApparelClothes']">
    		<item group="LightStickG" count="1" prob="0.2"/>
    	<insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='empty']">			
    		<lootgroup name="t1TAGunschematics" count="1" >
    	<item name="gunHandgunT1Colt1911Schematic"/>
    	<item name="gunHandgunT1Colt_M1873Schematic"/>
    	<item name="gunHandgunT1P99Schematic"/>
    	<item name="gunRifleT1WinchesterM1894Schematic"/>
    	<item name="gunShotgunT1s686Schematic"/>
    	<item name="gunExplosivesT1M79Schematic"/>
    		<lootgroup name="t2TAGunschematics" count="1" >
    	<item name="gunHandgunT2MK23Schematic"/>
    	<item name="gunHandgunT2UMPSchematic"/>
    	<item name="gunHandgunT2USP9Schematic"/>
    	<item name="gunMGT2ACRSchematic"/>
    	<item name="gunMGT2HK416Schematic"/>
    	<item name="gunRifleT2AWPSchematic"/>
    	<item name="gunRifleT2M1GarandSchematic"/>
    	<item name="gunShotgunT2M4Super90Schematic"/>
    	<item name="gunExplosivesT2ChinaLakeSchematic"/>
    		<lootgroup name="t3TAGunschematics" count="1" >
    	<item name="gunHandgunT3Beretta93RSchematic"/>
    	<item name="gunHandgunT3Glock18cSchematic"/>
    	<item name="gunHandgunT3MP5NSchematic"/>
    	<item name="gunHandgunT3RagingBullSchematic"/>
    	<item name="gunMGT3GatlingSchematic"/>
    	<item name="gunRifleT3Kar98KSchematic"/>
    	<item name="gunRifleT3M110Schematic"/>
    	<item name="gunRifleT3M82a1Schematic"/>
    	<item name="gunHandgunT3DesertEagleSchematic"/>
    	<item name="gunHandgunT3MP5SDSchematic"/>
    	<item name="gunHandgunT3KRISS_VectorSchematic"/>
    	<item name="gunShotgunT3SPAS12Schematic"/>
    	<item name="gunShotgunT3Saiga12KSchematic"/>
    	<item name="gunShotgunT3AA12Schematic"/>
    	<item name="gunMGT3AUG_A3Schematic"/>
    	<item name="gunMGT3G36KVSchematic"/>
    	<item name="gunMGT3SCAR_LSchematic"/>
    	<item name="gunMGT3M16A4Schematic"/>
    	<item name="gunMGT3SCAR_HSchematic"/>
    	<item name="gunMGT3SA58OSWSchematic"/>
    	<item name="gunMGT3M60E4Schematic"/>
    	<item name="gunMGT3M14EBRSchematic"/>
    	<item name="gunExplosivesT3MGL140Schematic"/>
    	<item name="gunRifleT3MSG90A1Schematic"/>
    	<append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='schematicsWeaponsArmorCommon']">
    		<item group="t1TAGunschematics" count="1"/>
    	<append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='schematicsWeaponsArmorCommon']">
    		<item group="t2TAGunschematics" count="1"/>
    	<append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='schematicsWeaponsArmorRare']">
    		<item group="t3TAGunschematics" count="1"/>


  7. Trader.xml file is done and is working.  Ammo matches the vanilla and the guns are showing up like they are suppose to.  Change the probability lower or higher as you see fit.


    <!-- Add Tier 1 Guns -->
    	<append xpath="/traders/trader_item_groups/trader_item_group[@name='modGunT1']">
    			<item name="gunHandgunT1Colt1911" prob="0.7" quality="2,6"/>
                <item name="gunHandgunT1Colt_M1873" prob="0.7" quality="2,6"/>
                <item name="gunHandgunT1P99" prob="0.7" quility="2,6" />
                <item name="gunRifleT1WinchesterM1894" prob="0.7" quility="2,6" />
                <item name="gunShotgunT1s686" prob="0.7" quility="2,6" />
    <!-- Add Tier 2 Guns -->
        <append xpath="/traders/trader_item_groups/trader_item_group[@name='modGunT2']">
    			<item name="gunHandgunT2MK23" prob="0.6" quality="2,6"/>
                <item name="gunHandgunT2USP9" prob="0.6" quality="2,6"/>
                <item name="gunHandgunT2UMP" prob="0.6" quility="2,6" />
                <item name="gunMGT2HK416" prob="0.6" quility="2,6" />
                <item name="gunMGT2ACR" prob="0.6" quility="2,6" />
                <item name="gunShotgunT2M4Super90" prob="0.6" quility="2,6" />
    <!-- Add Tier 3 Guns -->
        <append xpath="/traders/trader_item_groups/trader_item_group[@name='modGunT3']">
    			<item name="gunHandgunT3Beretta93R" prob="0.5" quality="2,6"/>
                <item name="gunHandgunT3Glock18c" prob="0.5" quality="2,6"/>
                <item name="gunHandgunT3DesertEagle" prob="0.5" quility="2,6" />
                <item name="gunHandgunT3RagingBull" prob="0.5" quility="2,6" />
                <item name="gunHandgunT3MP5N" prob="0.5" quility="2,6" />
                <item name="gunHandgunT3MP5SD" prob="0.5" quility="2,6" />
                <item name="gunHandgunT3KRISS_Vector" prob="0.5" quility="2,6" />
                <item name="gunRifleT3Kar98K" prob="0.5" quality="2,6"/>
                <item name="gunRifleT3M110" prob="0.5" quality="2,6"/>
                <item name="gunRifleT3MSG90A1" prob="0.5" quility="2,6" />
                <item name="gunRifleT3M82a1" prob="0.5" quility="2,6" />
                <item name="gunMGT3M4A1" prob="0.5" quility="2,6" />
                <item name="gunMGT3SCAR_L" prob="0.5" quility="2,6" />
                <item name="gunMGT3M16A4" prob="0.5" quility="2,6" />
                <item name="gunMGT3SCAR_H" prob="0.5" quility="2,6" />
                <item name="gunMGT3SA58OSW" prob="0.5" quility="2,6" />
                <item name="gunMGT3M249" prob="0.5" quility="2,6" />
                <item name="gunMGT3M60E4" prob="0.5" quility="2,6" />
                <item name="gunMGT3Gatling" prob="0.5" quility="2,6" />
                <item name="gunMGT3M14EBR" prob="0.5" quility="2,6" />
                <item name="gunShotgunT3SPAS12" prob="0.5" quility="2,6" />
                <item name="gunShotgunT3Saiga12K" prob="0.5" quility="2,6" />
                <item name="gunShotgunT3AA12" prob="0.5" quility="2,6" />
    <!-- Added nonVanilla Ammo with Low counts-->
    	<append xpath="/traders/trader_item_groups/trader_item_group[@name='ammo']">
    		<item name="556mmAmmo" count="20,80" prob="0.6"/>
    		<item name="AP556mmAmmo" count="20,45" prob="0.4"/>
    		<item name="45ACPAmmo" count="40,60" prob="0.3" />
    		<item name="AP45ACPAmmo" count="20,45" prob="0.2" />
    		<item name="45LongColtAmmo" count="20,75" prob="0.6" />
    		<item name="50BMGAmmo" count="10,15" prob="0.1" />
    		<item name="127mmAmmo" count="5,10" prob="0.1" />
    		<item name="40mmGAmmo" count="5,10" prob="0.3" />


  8. I took out the HP ammo from the trader file due to that being a craft only item.  Lowered the counts and probabilities to match the vanilla game.  The guns are not showing up in the trader, so I'm working on that code next.  Here's the ammo code to add into the trader file.


    <append xpath="/traders/trader_item_groups/trader_item_group[@name='ammo']">
    		<item name="556mmAmmo" count="20,80" prob="0.6"/>
    		<item name="AP556mmAmmo" count="20,45" prob="0.4"/>
    		<item name="45ACPAmmo" count="40,60" prob="0.3" />
    		<item name="AP45ACPAmmo" count="20,45" prob="0.2" />
    		<item name="45LongColtAmmo" count="20,75" prob="0.6" />
    		<item name="50BMGAmmo" count="10,15" prob="0.5" />
    		<item name="127mmAmmo" count="5,10" prob="0.3" />
    		<item name="40mmGAmmo" count="5,10" prob="0.3" />


  9. 11 hours ago, Tristam said:

    That wasn't a problem, I was just making the choice not to do that since you could make ammo at the Ammo Bench, and I didn't want to unbalance the drop rate of normal ammo.  But after playing with it, I realized the Ammo Bench is locked behind, essentially, learning the Workbench first.  Now that no working Workbenches can be found in the wild, that's a problem. 


    By all means go for it.  Keep the loot fair, and I'll give you full credits.  I'm working on lining up the weapons in Unity atm, so any help is appreciated with other issues.  Oh, and for those who are curious, yes, I've found out how to remove the pop-up text that shows the weapons' names and will be doing so. :)

    I'll drop the count and probability to match with the normal game and fix the loot file to match as well.  Thank you for the opportunity.  And by all means do tell how to remove that name pop up please, lol. Thanks.

  10. I love this mod!   I don't want to step on toes here and I'm not sure if you are already working on the loot and trader lack of 556 and 45 ammo, but I managed to get the traders to have them at least.  Here is the code I added to the traders.xml file and it worked for my game.  There's a way to add this ammo to the different loots and ammo piles as well and I can work on that if it is ok with you. 


    <append xpath="/traders/trader_item_groups/trader_item_group[@name='ammo']">
    		<item name="556mmAmmo" count="75,100" prob="0.8"/>
    		<item name="HP556mmAmmo" count="75,100" prob="0.8"/>
    		<item name="AP556mmAmmo" count="75,100" prob="0.8"/>
    		<item name="45ACPAmmo" count="75,100" prob="0.8" />
    		<item name="HP45ACPAmmo" count="75,100" prob="0.8" />
    		<item name="AP45ACPAmmo" count="75,100" prob="0.8" />
    		<item name="45LongColtAmmo" count="75,100" prob="0.8" />
    		<item name="50BMGAmmo" count="75,100" prob="0.5" />
    		<item name="50BMGAmmo" count="75,100" prob="0.5" />
    		<item name="40mmGAmmo" count="5,10" prob="0.3" />


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