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Posts posted by Groobab

  1. 2 hours ago, Slicker said:

    I no longer find backpacks to increase the portable weight, it was fixed earlier, now it's not again


    I noticed the same thing. We're on day 33 and still haven't found a single backpack. And also, now the Carpenter's table tier 3 asks for a Table saw, something I had never seen on alpha 19 since apparently they removed it back then.

  2. Hi again, Subquake. Thanks for your previous quick reply on our problem. It feels great knowing you're always there.


    Anyways, have you thought of making sewing kits and other stuff craftable? As of now, it seems pretty difficult to find them, and there are some recipes that require them. It also seems a bit stupid not being able to craft them. I mean, cloth and darts should do the trick for the recipe.

  3. A few friends and myself have been having some troubles ever since A20. Apparently, for most of us, the game seems to freeze while opening storages while looting or when we open the option wheel upon an item (Holding E). And even worse, a friend of mine is often kicked out of the server as if he had gone Link Dead or similar. But since many changes have happened during this short time it's difficult to pinpoint the problem. Do you know if it's something related to the new 7days Alpha? Is it because of UL? Or could it be the new mod launcher causing problems?


    I've been trying to find a solution, but most of them don't seem to work and, like I said, it only started happening ever since the latest alpha. Any ideas, anyone, please?

  4. 4 hours ago, FatsackTony said:


    1. How compatible is UL with other mods.  I feel like there are some things missing like different zombie types.  It's too easy to cheese a Horde night and want climbers, shooters, flyers, etc, like in some other modlets. 
    2. Do you allow patching or add-on's to your overhaul?
    3. Do you plan on publishing your overhaul on Nexus mods and the Vortex mod manager?



    1. The progression is a little frustrating because of circular requirements that require finding something in RNG loot.  I have been stuck on finding bricks for the artisan table for a few days of play, on a carpenters axe, on a carpenters hammer, etc.  It would be fine if there were some more reliable way to find these items that block progression. I suggest increasing their chance in end loot containers like at the end of a poi, in the traders, and or in mission rewards.  It would actually be GREAT if there were missions with specific loot rewards, you knew before hand so I could run a mission to get a carpenters hammer as a reward guaranteed, etc.  Maybe you could script a bounty board or something that you could request a specific item as a reward and it would generate a mission of appropriate difficulty, tier, distance, whatever.  Or even having them as block loot like the brick blocks I've seen that don't give any resources with hit with a pick or shovel should give at least 1 brick, etc.  Or disassembling a workbench with a wrench should yield a hammer once in a while.  Just some more reliable way that is obvious or makes sense to a player without explicitly telling them.
    2. Also there should be at least 1 'block' that you can craft from the backpack.  Even if it has @%$#ty durability, structural stability, and not upgradeable, you should be able to have something you can make to get yourself out of a hole, or block off a doorway quickly or something like that, even if it's just clay dirt block or something.
    3. Prevention of repairing and replacing blocks that were recently destroyed or damaged by enemies on horde night.  It's too easy to cheese by repairing replacing blocks during a raid.
    4. More weather and weather effects. 
      1. Cold fronts and heat waves effects on the player.  Pollution? (look up salt lake city inversions)
      2. Lightning strikes that hit and damage the highest metal block near the player and all connected 'metal' blocks, possibly causing a collapse.  Or strikes a tree near the player, causing it to possibly fall on the player (does this still damage the player?).  Or if no appropriate 'lightning rod' strikes the player or nearby zombies.
      3. Meteor strike that leaves behind valuable ore blocks and destroys terrain/buildings in the impact zone, would be scripted to avoid land claims.
      4. Rain 'wetness' damaging durability of tools/weapons/armor ('rusting them', soaking them),
      5. Acid rain that damages any electrical, storage, workbenches, and hinged blocks like doors/hatches that have only air blocks above them or above the blocks adjacent to them for doors on the outside of a building. 
      6. Wind storms that apply an acceleration to a player and zombies pushing them in a direction at varying magnitudes.
      7. Tornado's and Fire-nado's that damage players/zombies/animals, and light blocks such as wood or thin blocks.
    5. More diseases/needs (possibly with your food update)
      1. Scurvy if you have no fruit or vitamin c, reduces endurance/max hp
      2. Rabies - increased strength reduced intellect and max stamina
      3. parasites - increased hunger rate
      4. depression/insanity - if you add a 'morale' or 'sanity' need, could do a lot of cool hallucinations etc with this, candy, beer, good food, luxury item 'decoration' blocks near your bed, and talking to a trader could all help with this.
    6. Perk Overhaul
      1. Is your UI dynamic for perks, so that if someone made an add-on to your overhaul that re-did the perks or added more would it dynamically adjust to fit them in?
      2. Make attributes (strenght, intelligence, etc.) more general in their buffs.  Strength increases all melee damage, perception increases all ranged damage, agility increases all melee attack speed and ranged reloading speed, etc.
      3. Move headshot/dismemberment buffs to the specific per weapon perks.
      4. Make perks use attributes in their calculations.  So instead of getting the first level of pistols just giving you +5% damage when using pistols, it would give you +(perception + agility) * 1% damage, and the 2nd perk would multiply the sum of perception and agility by 2%, etc.
      5. Add more effects/diseases, weathers, conditions, etc that increase and decrease attributes to vary the effects these perks have.  So you could take a bunch of drugs and candy to boost your perception which would boost your pistol damage from the above suggestion, etc
    7. Boss Enemies
      1. Desert UFO abduction/aliens - grabs you with beam and lifts you up drags you around, leaves you in a random location.
      2. Snow Biome Yeti - throws snow boulders that leave snow blocks if they miss the player/damage blocks, grapple and throws player.
      3. Wasteland TERMINATOR robot enemy with minigun/rockets.
      4. Forest MOTHMAN flying enemy that can stalk and use projectiles.
    8. Death Penalties
      1. When you die you only lose xp and some active skills.
      2. If you die during a 'horde night' they should raid your chests/containers, damage workbenches, etc.  Should actually be some material loss like they destroy your bag or something when you lose on a horde night.
    9. Stealth overhaul
      1. should add sound and smell meters/detection.  could go hand in hand with a sanitation 'need'.  Could use things like zombie scent you make out of rotten meat to hide your smell from zombies but makes you unsanitary.
      2. Make sight meter/detection purely line of sight
      3. more ways to distract and lead zombies away from a location by throwing rocks, shooting arrows luring zombies to where they impact etc.
      4. More traps, tripwires, etc.


    Anyways just a bunch of suggestions feel free to ignore them, but I hope you will answer my questions, thanks! 

    I think the idea of grappling isn't something modders can add to the game. Otherwise that'd be the main tactic of a zombie horde, much like in any zombie movie.


    Dying on a horde night and damaging your chests and stuff. Well, if you were having horde night at home it'd make sense. Although I know of very few who actually stay at home during a bloodmoon. Most people build constructions specifically for bloodmoons, and some just use already existing buildings and modify them just a bit. I've used all three options, including staying at home on a bloodmoon. I tell you this from my own experience, if they were able to kill you at home, they probably already destroyed quite a few things on their way in as it happened to me and my buddies. We once suffered the loss of a couple of crafting stations. Since then we relearned to not do that or at least have the important stuff away from the path the horde would take to get you. Also, I'm not quite sure if this is also something only the devs can do.


    BTW, it'd be a real pain in the ass if after the first in-game week, you had a bloodmoon and destroyed that artisan's table you were talking about having trouble finding bricks for.


    Oh, and bricks are usually easy to find if you know the POIs to look for. Houses under construction are usually the easiest ones. But if in a pinch, I've actually teared down a brick wall or two. This second option is not efficient, though, but /shrug .


    The same goes for carpenter's axe and carpenter's hammer. Found way too many of them going through Working stiff tool shops.


    Otherwise, many of these are very good suggestions.

  5. 25 minutes ago, Gamertom said:

    Well nobody else has mentioned not liking the locked POI reward loot boxes, so maybe its juts me. I dont expect Subquake to alter his mod to suit me only but for those who have no interest in any skills in intellect such as me, its very punishing and almost game destroying really that players have to sink loads of points just to get to the absolute minimum of level 3 lockpicking to access rewards for POIs and trader missions, (yes I know about jailbreak food) but its not common enough to keep up with the many unopened chests I know have from tier 4 and 5 (and even 3) POIs, theres now not much reward for clearing them, especially as the loot is not often worth the points into skilling it.

    The reason for this post is not to moan about it, but to offer a sort of solution to players like me. I now use the CM command to give myself 100 lockpicking skill books, this way you will still have a chance to open these chests especially if you have jailbreak aswell, and the geek glasses to spend one point in one level of lockpick, this will at least give players who arent interested in intellect to still be able to access the loot.


    For the record, I do agree with safes being locked behind this system, it makes sense, and I dont have a problem with all the new locked stuff, that too makes sense, just if you are reading Subquake, please consider removing the lock status from tier 4 and 5 POI reward hero chests, then the rest is fair.


    Just my 2 cents, (The downside of cheating a 100 skill books means you unfairly get 5000 exp but that really isnt that much in the long run)


    ALSO Forgot to mention a possible issue with later patches, there seems to be an issue sometimes with opening containers of any kind, even sometimes opening inventory, the music stutters for a couple of seconds and the game freezes before the time dial finishes and the containers open and generate loot.

    Havent noticed this before the last couple of updates, may or may not be related to the mod, havent tested on vanilla

    Well, the problem before was the complete opposite. I never had to train lockpicking at all in order to open locked safes or chests, and I very rarely broke any bobby pins. Heck, I usually would sell large amounts of them to vendors as long as I kept around 50 for myself. Right now it's true that it's impossible without spending some points in that perk, but I also think that in the long run it shouldn't affect the game much. I mean, by level 20 or 30 it should be easy to spend 4 or 5 points into Int & lockpicking, although I'd suggest the one perk to be able to bear more stuff in your inventory.


    On another subject, Subquake, great mod, mate. I'm currently trying to hold my urges to play the game till the stable version is out, mainly because a few friends and myself are planning on getting a dedicated server and run wild.


    I know your roadmap is currently pretty long, but it'd be nice if there was a possibility in the future to add more farming, more harvesting, more hunting and, obviously, more recipes. Some of my friends want to play 7d2d as if it were a farming simulator. Hilarious, I know, but it'd be fun and give extra stuff to do for that kind of players.


    Thanks, mate, keep up the good work!

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