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Posts posted by Alloy1

  1. Tiny request for the Funpimps -


    Before the official release could you guys perhaps do a quick graphical pass on the new fingernails?


    They look like they're missing the textures because they're so plain, solid white.


    Just a slight colour shift towards skin tones with transparency and the pale semicircle near the cuticles and they're perfect.


    It's just an immersion thing. All the other textures, new and old, look superb now, but the nails just look out of place.



  2. 4 hours ago, Old Crow said:


    Yeah no, not at all a personal attack. That doesn't tell us much, but thanks. Maybe next time do it without the snark? Not necessary. Not that hard to act like a professional.

    Last I checked, BOLDING WORDS LIKE THIS is meant to draw attention to them, to better get across the meaning of what is being said. That's not snark. That's simply ensuring those reading said bolded words get the idea.

  3. 2 hours ago, Arma Rex said:

    The vending machines have an updated model now.


    Really appreciating that TFP has been more consistent with putting out art asset updates.





    The fact that they made sure to include the names of their existing candy and food items is a major attention-to-detail +1. Absolutely love it, I applaud the Fun Pimps for that small but, imo, significant thing.

  4. I'd like to know 2 things specifically.


    Will our player character's arms finally be clothed, instead of being completely exposed?


    Will we finally get at least 1 different, simple model, to represent food items? Holding up a can for canned foods, a sandwich for a sandwich, a raw vegetable?


    Whatever that lump of orange-yellow mystery matter is, it doesn't look like food.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Zeorik said:

    Don't know if this is unique to Vehicle Madness or A20 as a whole but... I'm done. Twice now I've had my Firetruck from this mod teleport when I get out of it into a wall, spaz out ,and explode without dropping its inventory. This second time was full of loot (a 12x10 inventory) from a run, and I just lost all of it to the firetruck teleporting perpendicularly into the side of a Trader. I've had it. I'm @%$#ing done with this @%$#. I lost my backup/ high speed vehicle that was stored IN the firetruck by extension. 


    Has nothing to do with Vehicle Madness. Many, many others, have reported teleporting vehicles in vanilla A20.


    Why are you coming to rage about something the Fun Pimps haven't fixed yet, as if it's this mod's fault?


    As of yet, I have had literally ZERO issues playing my heavily modded, experimental branch A20.1 game. I am 79 hours in, no problems at all.

  6. 1 hour ago, AndrewT said:

    not a problem. Also just to confirm are working tank turrets and vehicle mounted weapons still planned for the future?


    As awesome as this sounds, isn't this a little much to expect in a game with no framework to build off of for such a thing?

  7. 21 minutes ago, ActiniumTiger said:

    Thank You 


    From Me And Ragsy both we really appreciate it. 

    i am sure ragsy will also reply.  we do this for people like you, who apprecite the time that goes into it. 


    Thanks Again 


    Of course! Nothing irks me more than nonsensical entitlement or trolling. What matters is that the mods works, and it's fun. The fact that it works as well as it does with how quickly you guys had to push it for A20 is a testament to your dedication to a good mod.


    Thank you!

  8. 2 hours ago, lexus1206 said:

    Good mod but if the cars weren't visually damaged the mod would be nice.


    What kind of moronic criticism is this? You do realize that 7 Days is an apocalypse... right? You want pristine vehicles in a world where no one is alive to keep them in working, unblemished condition?


    You know how much work it takes to model, code and create mods like this? No I don't think you do. I saw you complaining on Bdubyah's vehicles mod too. I think you need to grow a few brain cells and stop commenting trash about great mods such as these.

  9. 6 hours ago, Ragsy 2145 said:

    You may find repairable versions if rwg is kind ....glad to hear you are liking the work we put into so far .  


    Ragsy  !!


    No kidding, I found a repairable Cobra not long after posting that comment. I have a lot of materials to find first, but I'm getting that thing.


    Also, the first working vehicle I found in A20 was the same as in A19, the Quadbike. Absolutely worth the wait for this update. The scavenger hunt for vehicles adds such a great new dimension to the tedious looting.


    Thank you, and your team, for such an amazing mod.

  10. Loved this mod in A19.


    So far however, I haven't found any vehicle spawns anywhere in multiple world generations.


    All the parts and components show up in traders and in the crafting menu. But I haven't seen a single car or truck on the road, aside from the garbage default 7 Days model.


    Was this an intended change? Have I not looked enough? Is the spawning feature not yet implemented for A20?


    I can't play without this mod, but half of my enjoyment with this amazing work came from the scavenger hunt. The thrill of finding a new vehicle out in wild.


    At the moment it's like having the Christmas tree without the star on top.

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