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Refugee (1/15)



  1. Not sure what you mean by that. Z hordes can spawn in the ocean. I had a wave (no pun intended) come from there yesterday. In a previous version of the game, I had built a base at the bottom of a small lake, thinking the Zs could not reach me there. Wrong. They would just wonder down like it's nothing, knock on the walls, trying to share the good news and all. It was safer to engage them there, since they can't swim and I could, but they were harder to kill as ranged weapons don't work as well underwater. Also, there's the whole not drowning thing.
  2. I have a base near the ocean (right side of map), and about half the airdrops end up so far out that it's nearly impossible to retrieve them (the water is so murky, you can't even tell which direction you are diving, and you can't see the box unless you are nearly on top of it). Even had one case where the marker just disappeared while I was swimming out to it. Good luck finding that. There is zero reason for letting the game make a drop in an inaccessible location.
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