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  1. Forgot to add, the controller needs to be "ToolbeltWindow" for that to work.
  2. Just a follow-up: A friend told me you can get level by doing {cvar($LastPlayerLevel)}
  3. I have a HUD that shows things like current level, times died, and number of zombies killed, but since A20, it broke, and it's complaining that the PlayerStatsWindow controller is missing/unknown. <rect pos="-85,-3" width="75" height="75" controller="PlayerStatsWindow" visible="{statvisible}"> <sprite depth="1" width="75" height="75" name="border" color="222,255,163,55" type="sliced"/> <filledsprite depth="5" width="71" height="71" pos="2,-2" name="background" color="0,0,0,290" type="filled" fill="1" /> <sprite depth="6" name="TodeIcon" width="65" height="65" pos="3,-5" sprite="ui_game_symbol_zombie" color="96,96,96,100" foregroundlayer="true"/> <label depth="10" name="ZombiekillsLabel" width="75" height="37" text="{playerzombiekills}" font_size="24" color="[ora]" pos="37,-35" justify="center" pivot="center"/> </rect> <rect pos="763,-3" width="75" height="75" controller="PlayerStatsWindow" visible="{statvisible}"> <sprite depth="1" width="75" height="75" name="border" color="222,255,163,55" type="sliced"/> <filledsprite depth="5" width="71" height="71" pos="2,-2" name="background" color="0,0,0,290" type="filled" fill="1" /> <sprite depth="6" name="TodeIcon" width="65" height="65" pos="3,-5" sprite="ui_game_symbol_near_death_trauma" color="96,96,96,100" foregroundlayer="true"/> <label depth="10" name="TodeLabel" width="75" height="37" text="{playerdeaths}" font_size="24" color="[ora]" pos="37,-35" justify="center" pivot="center"/> </rect> How am I supposed to fix this? Is there a replacement controller?
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