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Posts posted by R4to0

  1. Somehow my server ended with a 1GB log file spamming the following:


    Exception: Item with name 'meleeHandAnimalFireSnake' not found!
      at EntityAlive.CopyPropertiesFromEntityClass () [0x00080] in <5135e30b517b4368a94317ce6e11f1c3>:0 
      at Entity.InitCommon () [0x00029] in <5135e30b517b4368a94317ce6e11f1c3>:0 
      at EntityZombie.InitCommon () [0x00000] in <5135e30b517b4368a94317ce6e11f1c3>:0 
      at Entity.Init (System.Int32 _entityClass) [0x00007] in <5135e30b517b4368a94317ce6e11f1c3>:0 
      at EntityAlive.Init (System.Int32 _entityClass) [0x00000] in <5135e30b517b4368a94317ce6e11f1c3>:0 
      at EntityEnemy.Init (System.Int32 _entityClass) [0x00000] in <5135e30b517b4368a94317ce6e11f1c3>:0 
      at EntityFactory.CreateEntity (EntityCreationData _ecd) [0x004c2] in <5135e30b517b4368a94317ce6e11f1c3>:0 
      at EntityFactory.CreateEntity (System.Int32 _et, System.Int32 _id, ItemValue _itemValue, System.Int32 _count, UnityEngine.Vector3 _transformPos, UnityEngine.Vector3 _transformRot, System.Single _lifetime, System.Int32 _playerId, System.String _skinName, System.Int32 _spawnById, System.String _spawnByName) [0x0001b] in <5135e30b517b4368a94317ce6e11f1c3>:0 
      at EntityFactory.CreateEntity (System.Int32 _et, System.Int32 _id, UnityEngine.Vector3 _transformPos, UnityEngine.Vector3 _rotation) [0x0000c] in <5135e30b517b4368a94317ce6e11f1c3>:0 
      at EntityFactory.CreateEntity (System.Int32 _et, UnityEngine.Vector3 _transformPos) [0x00014] in <5135e30b517b4368a94317ce6e11f1c3>:0 
      at SleeperVolume.Spawn (World _world, System.Int32 entityClass, System.Int32 spawnIndex, GameStageGroup group, BlockSleeper block) [0x0006e] in <5135e30b517b4368a94317ce6e11f1c3>:0 
      at (wrapper dynamic-method) SleeperVolume.DMD<SleeperVolume::UpdateSpawn>(SleeperVolume,World)
      at SleeperVolume.Tick (World _world) [0x00010] in <5135e30b517b4368a94317ce6e11f1c3>:0 
      at World.TickSleeperVolumes () [0x00027] in <5135e30b517b4368a94317ce6e11f1c3>:0 
      at World.OnUpdateTick (System.Single _partialTicks, System.ArraySegment`1[T] _activeChunks) [0x0024b] in <5135e30b517b4368a94317ce6e11f1c3>:0 
      at GameManager.UpdateTick () [0x00073] in <5135e30b517b4368a94317ce6e11f1c3>:0 
      at GameManager.gmUpdate () [0x00305] in <5135e30b517b4368a94317ce6e11f1c3>:0 
      at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <5135e30b517b4368a94317ce6e11f1c3>:0 
    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
      at Inventory.get_holdingItemData () [0x00038] in <5135e30b517b4368a94317ce6e11f1c3>:0 
      at EntityAlive.Update () [0x000f7] in <5135e30b517b4368a94317ce6e11f1c3>:0 


    This points to this mod, with two references:

    Robeloto_CustomZombies_XML_VERSION/Config/entityclasses.xml line 1647

    Robeloto_CustomZombies_XML_VERSION/Config/items_OLD.xml line 598


    Looks like this item was disabled (ie.: not in the main items.xml) and that reference in the entity classes wasn't removed, or wasn't added to it.


    Should it be completely removed from animalFireSnake entity or meleeHandAnimalFireSnake added to the main items.xml?

  2. 6 hours ago, unholyjoe said:

    we support 3 sizes 6K 8K and 10K


    I'm aware that only these are officially supported. I meant for the dedicated server, where the server config file says that you can do up to 16384 (16k), and as it was working in A19 it broke in A20, a regression I'd say :). Thanks for the reply!


  3. Are there any breaking changes between the first experimental A20 and the stable release for existing saves? I saw the comment where wiping is recommended but I don't think my chap will like that heh. I wouldn't bother wiping everything and doing another RWG.


    Unrelated, is the 16k map generation fixed? I remember the game not allowing to do 16384 due to some newline string (\n) that was commented in the A20 dev diary, and I haven't found anything about that in the latest changelogs.


    Congrats and great job to all the devs and testers on getting it stable!

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