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Posts posted by aleida

  1. It works and its super easy. Like Pahbi says you have to generate a map in the previewer and then leave the game. Load the map up in a program like GIMP. Then you can paint the map as much white (snow) as you want. After that you can start a new game with that seed and it will use your altered map. 


    Its super easy and makes of a lot fun maps and possibilities terrainwise.

  2. I live in the snow biome in one of the small clock towers. I live upstairs in the tiny attic wile im building some raid base structures in the garden. I havent walled off the outer walls or the clocktower. They have a free pathing to me at all times (besides horde night). During the nights I have feral sense on and im visited by 10-20 zombies every night who find their way up to me in the attic. So far so good. I havent dug or build underground besides a small fall pit in the garden for horde nights.


    I noticed one zombie had broken a floortile and was chilling in the hole. So i went to investigate. I found huge tunnels below my base, below the streets all the way to near poi's. The zombies are spawning in nearby poi's and try to find their way to me by breaking concrete walls in the basement and digging their way to me. Its a tunnel warzone below my base now. 


    Ive pached it up by going into godmode and fortifying the basements of the poi's around me that have tunnels to my base with 3 layers of  concrete walls and filling up the tunnels with concrete as well. So for now it shouldnt be an issue in my gameplay. 


    But this seems like an unintended part of the digging mechanic, thats why im posting this. Surely its not the purpose of the game for the zombies to dig a huge cave below me when they can reach me day and night. 


  3. 54 minutes ago, Ghostlight said:

    I'm confused. You said you had a mission that gives the schematic.

    I dont have a mission from the trader to get that schematic. If only. That would make things easier.

    Im on a real life mission to get the drone in the game. I guess the ' mission' work is confusing. Sorry for that.

    2 minutes ago, PoppaSmirk said:

    I think I must have been playing on the night they "fixed" that issue.  I quite honestly had visited the Trader on I believe it was Day 11, SAW the drone schematic for sale,  rushed out to get the coins to pay for it,  came back in less than 5 hours in-game time and the schematic was heart-wrenchingly NOT there for sale anymore.  Same Day that I saw it, around 11:00 am in-game time, and back to claim that drone schematic before 17:00 pm in-game time,  and it simply ...was gone.   Since then I have searched and searching in My local areas.  I have purchased two schematics for the Morale Booster drone Mod,  and another for the Medic Mod for the drone,  but no drone to be found and so far,   Day 36,  no schematic has shown up again yet.  So don't feel alone.   In the back of My mind I suspect the drone schematic is probably locked in a safe in some POI in the Wasteland and I won't see it until I am Level 70 or 80.     Certainly shattering My "Man taking on the undead hordes accompanied by his trusty sidekick, his sanity preserver, just a Boy and His robot, taking on all the odds".  Which is sort of sad,  because if I have to wait until I am literally a HIGH Level Survivor, then the special nature of the drone,  turns it into more of a trophy or a trinket,  to find it very late into the game.


    Im starting to feel the same way. I understand they dont want you to get the drone on the first day. But by the time my  weapons are level 6 and im driving around in a car I really dont need the drone anymore. At that point its just a trophy that will likely end up in a chest instead of being very usefull. It feels like they might have made it a bit too difficult to find it now. 

  4. I have one mission, to get my hands on a drone or drone schematic. Ive been finding schematics for the mods, in loot and at the trader. But the drone itself is nowhere to be seen. How does one obtain that beautiful little thing? I dont really want to wait much longer anymore. Is it locked behind a certain gamestage? of only obtainable in certain lootcrates? I cant find that thing. Seems a bit too difficult to get my hands on one. Anybody know? 

  5. So with my building my base im running into the issue where not all wood blocks can be upgraded. I decided to live in one of the tiny barns and was fixing up the roof. The roof has a nice slope in it. I can replace the missing blocks, but unfortunally the game doesnt allow me to upgrade whatsoever. Considering my horde build is right next to it, a wooden roof isnt going to cut it long term. The same thing happened when i added some small wooden corners to my build. I can place them in wood but can't upgrade them at all.


    Is this still missing from the game and still needs to be added to it? Or am i missing something completely and just doing wrong? I looked through some of the other blocks, the metal, rebar frames. But i couldnt find them in there.

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