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Posts posted by scotterpop

  1. On 12/24/2020 at 11:56 AM, caerro said:

    Hey, i like the idea of old school zombies, ran into something though, backpack buttons seems to be overlapping in mi game, vanilla buttons are there altogether with the modded  ones, theres a way i can fix this so i can have only one of both? im not using the mod manager btw.


    I'm not sure how to tag people, but also omegarte mentioned this issue.

    Khaine offered a quick attempt at a fix


    Try deleting the backpack buttons folder from Mods.

    I'll double check later and see if I accidentally modded the XML with it and also added the modlet (which is possible cos i'm dumb sometimes) but that should sort it.

    I finally started trying this mod yesterday in 19.5, and ran into the same problem.  I am using the mod launcher, and here is how I fixed it:
    1) I added Khaine's Lockable Slots mod (because I love it and I'm used to it from my normal 7D2D game.
    2) I removed the inventory buttons that are added in the core RomeroMod.  Here's how:

    Go in to \Mods\1-RomeroModCore\Config\XUi\windows.xml
    You will see 

    	<!-- Backpack Buttons mod -->
    	<append xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowBackpack']/panel[@name='header']">
    		<button depth="3" name="btnStashAll" style="icon30px, press, hover" pivot="center" pos="281,-21" sprite="manux_ui_game_symbol_basket" tooltip_key="lblStashAll" sound="[paging_click]" visible="{lootingorvehiclestorage}" />
    		<button depth="3" name="btnStashFillStacks" style="icon30px, press, hover" pivot="center" pos="317,-21" sprite="manux_ui_game_symbol_stash_all_but_first" tooltip_key="lblStashFillStacks" sound="[paging_click]" visible="{lootingorvehiclestorage}" />
    		<button depth="3" name="btnStashSmart" style="icon30px, press, hover" pivot="center" pos="353,-21" sprite="manux_ui_game_symbol_stash_all" tooltip_key="lblStashSmart" sound="[paging_click]" visible="{lootingorvehiclestorage}" />
    		<combobox name="cbxLockedSlots" type="ComboBoxInt" pos="374, -6" width="140" height="30" value_min="0" value_max="45" value_wrap="true" value_increment="1" tooltip_key="xuiStashLockedSlots" visible="{lootingorvehiclestorage}" />
    ... then the custom logo mod

    That is the code that is putting in the overlapping buttons, and since I have the newer Lockable Slots mod, I don't need these...so here's how I fixed it by commenting out the backpack buttons part.  You should be able to just delete that part between the <configs> line and the comment about the custom logo though.


    	<!-- Backpack Buttons mod -->
    	<!--append xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowBackpack']/panel[@name='header']">
    		<button depth="3" name="btnStashAll" style="icon30px, press, hover" pivot="center" pos="281,-21" sprite="manux_ui_game_symbol_basket" tooltip_key="lblStashAll" sound="[paging_click]" visible="{lootingorvehiclestorage}" />
    		<button depth="3" name="btnStashFillStacks" style="icon30px, press, hover" pivot="center" pos="317,-21" sprite="manux_ui_game_symbol_stash_all_but_first" tooltip_key="lblStashFillStacks" sound="[paging_click]" visible="{lootingorvehiclestorage}" />
    		<button depth="3" name="btnStashSmart" style="icon30px, press, hover" pivot="center" pos="353,-21" sprite="manux_ui_game_symbol_stash_all" tooltip_key="lblStashSmart" sound="[paging_click]" visible="{lootingorvehiclestorage}" />
    		<combobox name="cbxLockedSlots" type="ComboBoxInt" pos="374, -6" width="140" height="30" value_min="0" value_max="45" value_wrap="true" value_increment="1" tooltip_key="xuiStashLockedSlots" visible="{lootingorvehiclestorage}" />
    	<!-- Custom Logo Mod -->

    For those not familiar with XML, notice the difference of the <append changed to <!--append at the start, and then the </append> changed to </append--> at the end.  That converts those two bits to comment start and end.  Like I said, probably easiest to just delete the part between <configs> and <!-- Custom Logo Mod -->, but I didn't try that yet and figured I'd get this posted because there's a couple of YouTube streams that would probably like this fixed.

    Khaine - Thanks for your great mod work!  You've really given extra life to this game.

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