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Posts posted by Wycked1999

  1. Okay, I'm slow and not working well and everything I've found shows alpha 18 anywhere I've searched.

    Is there a way or guide to how to import a prefab into a world in alpha 19.4? Halp! Please.

    I have made several prefabs now, but I don't know how to actually pull them in now that the prefab k button has been removed.

  2. On 4/29/2021 at 1:24 PM, Gamida said:

    Someone mentioned having a spawn for chickens that attack the player and that brought up the terrifying memory of the zombie chicken hordes on your server that time guppy. Subconsciously I cry whenever I eat chicken now and break out in a cold sweat.

    --would love to see evil zombie rabbits. Like the rabbit of doom, make it have a carrot weapon and chase you around. With red eyes.  *shifty eyes* Maybe I should make a mod for that.

  3. Hi, I'm having the null exception the same as the person above - Tried a few fixes myself.

    1. Tried unistalling and reinstalling the game with a complete clean wipe

    2. Installed only the mods for 0-creature pack animals for A19, creaturepack mechs for A19, Creature pack humans for A19, Creature Pack Zombies from A19 with CharacterEffectsPack for A19.

    3. Still have the issue. I also deleted all my old saves, just those mods, and still happening.

    4. yes, this log has the other mods in it too, but it was throwing the errors either way.

    posting my log in pieces as it's too big for parsing easily - please fix this - i love this mod and the cool zombies. Creature Pack Mechs and Animals is working fine though^^
    Posting it in replies after this post.



    OH, and I also tried a new game save. Just so you know. So it's not a corrupt save ;)

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