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Posts posted by GameplayJenny

  1. On 5/22/2021 at 8:57 AM, meganoth said:

    Did you check the game settings? There is an option for situational music that can be turned off. I would assume the piano sounds at least would be turned off with this




    Thank you - sadly, the dynamic option is already off :(

    On 5/22/2021 at 10:42 PM, khzmusik said:

    If this is the piano sound you're talking about, it's part of the dynamic music system (DMS):


    You should be able to disable dynamic music in the "Audio" settings. If you like it occasionally, you can also adjust the time per day that is allotted to playing dynamic music.


    You might also want to turn down the ambient sound volume to see if that helps.

    Unfortunately it was already set to off, and turning the ambient volume just turns down everything.

  2. Hi all,


    I posted this on Reddit and some suggested that I post here - here's the text of my original request, and if anyone can help (or can confirm this can't be done) I'd be really grateful.


    I'm hoping that someone with more knowledge might be able to help with removing some sound effects which are driving me mad.

    There was a previous thread where this was discussed which unfortunately I can't find - the 'scary' sound effects at night are just repetitive and annoying and I would like to replace them with silence so I can just hear the ambient environment sounds and zombies.

    But I can also now hear piano notes during the day. I don't know whether this is new, but there is one which sounds a bit like the start of a tannoy announcement, a discordant one, and a third I can't remember off the top of my head. To begin with I thought I was going mad, or there was some sound in a POI I didn't know about, but I think it might be the equivalent of the 'scary' night sounds just during the day.

    I don't mind some of the 'low rumbling' kind of sounds which are designed to put you on edge, but the really obvious sounds which have no relevance to anything get on my nerves for the wrong reasons.

    If anyone has any ideas, or there is a mod, I would be really grateful!

    (Also, if I am imagining those piano notes, someone should probably tell me :D)

  3. Hello! I know this is an old post now but hopefully I've found the right place to post feedback.


    I love this concept and it makes this way more unpredictable and scary. What I would like to ask is whether it could be made to work with the lootable zombies mod. If not that's OK, I just thought I would raise that they are not compatible (this one stops the lootable zombies). Both working would be my ideal game! Many thanks,

  4. This is glorious - thank you!


    However, I am also having the 'no trader' issue on 8k biomes/hills, if that is not intentional. It would be cool to only have a handful (or random? Can that be done?) so that you have to make an epic journey to the rumoured trader in Birmingham or something :D

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