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Posts posted by Thomill

  1. Good morning,


    Quick question for the group: when/where do the tanning rack, sewing kit, and lathe drop? I am 13 days into an Insane playthrough (DF19.x beta from Patreon) which I know the mod is not balanced for - I am only doing this a personal challenge. I have most of the other settings default as I recall and no other mods. I have already finished the mod on all other difficulties and had these items drop by this point. The reason I am asking is that I had rads the first week and demons (and worse) the second. I was able to craft just one antirad mod as well as blessed mod to use in random weapon drops, but not being able to craft using these items is a real challenge. Just curious and by no means is this a criticism of the mod. 

    Playing on Insane or even Survivalist really forces you to change play styles and I encourage it if you do not mind a serious blow to the ego. You have to focus on getting experience with random mobs, buried supplies quests, running away quite a bit, mining and gathering, and avoiding making a non-cheese horde base simply because you get overwhelmed. Even freakin cows hit hard! I started with usual security and survival, but if I had to do again would probably change security to medical. One other observation is a lack of keycard drops but still a good number of red and generic notes. Heck of a good time!


    18 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:


  2. 22 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

    Mod boots on A19.5...

    And my Youtube save APPEARS to be intact!

    Outstanding, can’t wait to try it out! Lucky JaWoodle finished his run before the coilsniper change 😂. Will give this a shot after my current survivalist run. Doubt I will make it far on insane but worth a try before a break before A20 comes out. Thanks so much!

  3. 1 hour ago, user2010 said:

    You are trying to compare, something that cannot be compared! The 3.40 mod for this alpha is 50 percent different from at least alpha 18! You are trying to advertise me a mod that I went through 10 times! Now everything is outdated in this fashion! It needs to be radically altered, but at the moment - the production of patches is taking place! So be objective!


    I respect your opinion as much as I respectfully disagree with it. I have been playing the mod for quite some time and remain highly satisfied with the quality of the current build and future plans to the point I support its development with Patreon. All of us here are, of course, here, there, and elsewhere are welcome to criticize and suggest ideas, but this should be done in an appropriate and courteous manner. This is no advertisement, as you say, given that this is a free to play mod and you may do so at your own discretion. All the best.

  4. 5 hours ago, user2010 said:

    Who told you this ???
    Have you played mod at all?
    Why do I need laser weapons at all, why do I need to hunt demons at all?
    Protective suits for disassembly are easy to find!
    And titanium armor + mods and that's it! I have 150 lvl 60 red cards, a hundred, material, all mods are done! Why would I go to demons? It used to be necessary, but now it's over!
    Part of the gameplay mod is irretrievably lost!
    Loot is not needed at all after that! I can craft anything and is much better than I can find or buy! And there is nothing to buy at all!
    It's a pity the fashion is gone!



    Not sure if this is a troll post or attempt at humor, or perhaps a translation error. Regardless, Khaine has busted his backside making an incredible gaming experience for us. The mod has a clear quest chain and progression system, and he has solid plans for future development into Alpha 20. Please follow the advice of others and see for yourself how outstanding this mod and game are. There are numerous YouTube video series on this mod from great content creators such as JaWoodle, Not-a-gamer Gaming, and Khaine himself. Many of us will be available to help you here as needed as well. 

    Good luck. 

  5. Hello all,


    I continue to have a wonderful time with this mod. In fact, I am on my seventh playthrough and have supported via Patreon. I have experimented with various difficulty settings, map sizes, starting classes, and builds. For those looking for a challenge, starting on Survivalist with higher zombie and animal counts have been a game changer. On lower settings I would advance via questing but, on Survivalist, zombie spawns in quest and most other POI's are simply too difficult or too numerous to handle. I am already seeing demon and behemoth spawns on random screamer hordes on Day 12 in the forest and desert biomes. This has forced me to retreat, focus on resource accumulation, leveling up on simple POIs and wandering mobs, and getting a simple base set up with the usual, incremental crafting stations. As you would expect, the first horde was quite a challenge and I just had enough concrete and 9mm to see through the night. If you have played through the mod before, I highly encourage you giving this a shot. I am not sure about the viability of an Insane run yet, but will have to see!


    Wonderful work Khaine, and I cannot wait to see what you have in store for A20 and beyond.


  6. Hello, I am on my third run through of the mod, each time increasing the difficulty and horde size as a challenge. For whatever reason, I have not had the welding torch drop by day 16 on this run. I know it cannot be bought or crafted, but are there particular places I should look to loot it? Without it, I do not believe I can craft the cement mixer, steel items, etc. Thank you so much.

  7. On 3/12/2021 at 11:06 PM, ShoudenKalferas said:

    At long last, I've completed the release and have quite a bit packed into it. Sorry for the long wait on this one. As mentioned before, I would recommend you use this on a new game. But if that is not possible or undesirable, please be aware that anyone with an active quest will have to drop it and start the quest over. There is a critical bugfix in this release that closes a loophole that previously was allowing players to craft a writ for a quest, without ever having started the quest. This loophole is fixed by handing the player a token coin when they first start the quest, and requiring them to use that token when they craft the writ item.


    As usual, please let me know if you find any bugs, typos, or otherwise have any issues.


    White River Tools of Citizenship A19.4_1.0:

    German localization translated by sechsterversuch & Zeeeni. Big thanks to them for this!

    All other language translations generated via IBM Watson Language Translator

    New Quests Added:
    • Amelia’s Gyrocopter
    • Molino Bulletproof Glass
    • Created Darkness Falls Compatibility Modlet, that allows this quest pack to be used with Darkness Falls.
    Additions to Existing Quests:
    • Added a Remington’s Steel 762 Auto Turret to the Remington Steel Ammo quest. This turret fires slower, aims slower, and has a smaller turn radius, but uses the steel 762 ammo and does more damage in turn. 
    • Writ exploit/loophole fixed. No longer can players endlessly craft writs without having worked through the quest itself. The fix implements a token coin that is provided to the player when they accept the quest that is an ingredient in crafting the writ. A player without this token coin would be unable to craft the writ.
    • Fixed bug with quest pack’s lootable books.
    • Fixed multiple small typos in various Localization.txt files.
    • Added the proper perk enhancements to the Deschain’s Revolver, Bambi’s Bow, Daryl’s Crossbow, and Rick Danger’s Augers quest items.
    • Completely re-tuned the Dundee’s Knife as it was substantially over-powered in comparison to vanilla. The intention of this quest pack has always been to only provide items that are a notch better than vanilla, so as to not throw off overall balancing of the game.
    • Reduced the amount of bicycle parts and overall higher tier loot provided by the citizen’s crates.
    • Adjusted the loot in BlackBart’s coffin to be gold & silver instead of dukes to better follow the storyline.
    • Made the steel ammo more difficult to craft. Repair kits are easy to come by, so weapon damage alone is not enough of a detriment to the extra damage and ease of crafting that steel ammo provides. Also tuned the ammo to cause more weapon degradation.
    • Adjusted the AI behavior and difficulty of the Spirit of Vengeance boss.
    • Added longShaft tag to Bunyan’s FireAxe, Jason’s Machete, and Rick Danger’s Augers to allow them to hold the burning shaft mod.
    • Added sneak damage bonus to Jason’s Machete
    • Reduced the probability of finding the dark tower books. The item is supposed to be a legendary item, so it should be extremely difficult to collect all the books to obtain it.
    • Reduced the block damage on both Rick Danger Augers as they were too over powered.

    Thank you so much. Incredible work!

  8. On 3/10/2021 at 6:42 PM, KhaineGB said:

    Eve is in a POI in the snow biome.

    And thank you for the donation :)

    There IS a plan to have the traders send you to her eventually.


    You are very welcome. I did end up finding Eve on the border of the snow and forest biomes. Your work is truly impressive and I added myself on Patreon. Best,

  9. Hello all,


    I have been enjoying this mod tremendously. The work involved is truly impressive.


    I could use some help in advancing the store. I have 42 reputation with Jen and am doing tier V quests. How do I move ahead to get the quests to get the bunkers or otherwise advance the story? I have found one small bunker locked with three blue doors but only found more cards, notes, and hazmat items. I also randomly found two Caitlin traders in the radiated zone but each offered only tier V quests as well - no special quests. I have upgraded to titanium tools and purchased a laser workbench and was able to make he fusion forge. However, I just do not know how to move on to the next stage of the mod. Help would be appreciated.


    Thank you very much.

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